This is an add-on for Mozilla Thunderbird that verifies DKIM signatures according to the RFC 6376.
More Information in the wiki at
- Tom Wu's jsbn library - BigInteger and RSA (
- jsbn.js - basic BigInteger class
- jsbn2.js - BigInteger class extension
- rsa.js - RSAKey class for RSA public key encryption
- base64.js - String encoder for Base64 and Hex
- Kenji Urushima's 'RSA-Sign JavaScript Library' (
- asn1hex.js - simple ASN.1 parser to read hexadecimal encoded ASN.1 DER
- rsasign-1.2.js - RSAKey class extension for RSA signing and verification
- Joshua Tauberer's DNS Libary (part of Thunderbird Sender Verification Extension) (
- dns.js - DNS Library