Out-of-the-box Deep Learning Prediction of Atomic Partial Charges by Graph Representation and Transfer Learning.
This source code was tested sucessfully on the basic environment with conda=4.5.4
and cuda=11.0
Two methods were provided for reproducing the conda environment used in this study
create environment using file packaged by conda-pack
Download the packaged file dgl430_v1.tar.gz and following commands can be used to reproduce the conda environment:
mkdir /opt/conda_env/dgl430_v1 tar -xvf dgl430_v1.tar.gz -C /opt/conda_env/dgl430_v1 source activate /opt/conda_env/dgl430_v1 conda-unpack
create environment using files provided in
directoryThe following commands can be used to reproduce the conda environment:
conda create --prefix=/opt/conda_env/dgl430_v1 --file conda_packages.txt source activate /opt/conda_env/dgl430_v1 pip install torch==1.3.1+cu92 torchvision==0.4.2+cu92 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html pip config set global.index-url https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple pip install -r pip_packages.txt
Users can directly use our well-trained model (depoisted in ./model_save/
directory) to predicted the corresponding
atomic partial charges (DDEC4, DDEC78 and RESP). Because this method was based on the 3D molecular structures. Therefore,
the actual use of this method should be conducted on optimized molecules containing 3D coordinates, such as molecules
optimized by MMFF force field, PM7 method and so on, and the inputs should be a sdf file containing multiple molecules
with 3D coordinates. The input example was deposited in ./inputs/3cl-min.sdf
or ./inputs/casp8-min.sdf
. For users
who want to train their own model using new datasets, we also show a model training example in the following. The
corresponding training data was deposited in ./training_data
. The label of training data can be assessed using the
script ./scripts/get_sdf_charge.py
. In addtion, we also provided a web server for directly predicting the atomic partial
charges in the deepchargepredictor server
- step 1: Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/zjujdj/SuperAtomicCharge.git
- step 2: Construction of Conda Environment
# method1 in 'Conda Environment Reproduce' section
mkdir /opt/conda_env/dgl430_v1
tar -xvf dgl430_v1_.tar.gz -C /opt/conda_env/dgl430_v1
source activate /opt/conda_env/dgl430_v1
# method2 in 'Conda Environment Reproduce' section
cd ./SuperAtomicCharge/envs
conda create --prefix=/opt/conda_env/dgl430_v1 --file conda_packages.txt
source activate /opt/conda_env/dgl430_v1
pip install torch==1.3.1+cu92 torchvision==0.4.2+cu92 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
pip config set global.index-url https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
pip install -r pip_packages.txt
- step 3: Charge Prediction
cd ./SuperAtomicCharge/scripts
nohup python3 -u model_prediction_linux.py --job_of_name=hello_charge --type_of_charge=e4 --input_file=3cl-min.sdf
--correct_charge --device=cpu > ../outputs/prediction.log 2>&1 &
# model_prediction_linux.py use help
python3 model_prediction_linux.py -h
- step 4: Model Training Example
cd ./SuperAtomicCharge/scripts
nohup python3 -u model_train.py --gpuid=0 --lr=0.0001 --epochs=5 --batch_size=20 --tolerance=0 --patience=3 --l2=0.000001
--repetitions=2 --type_of_charge=e4 --num_process=4 --bin_data_file=data_e4.bin > ../outputs/training.log 2>&1 &
# model_prediction_linux.py use help
python model_train.py -h
Some scripts were based on the dgl project. We'd like to show our sincere thanks to them.