The goal of this module is to create a simple and easy to use class for configuring php, specifically with Drupal in mind. It wraps the most complete and popular php module on the forge and adds a ton of convenience settings that can be set from hiera.
This module is thoroughly tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and should be useable right out of the box. It currently supports running php in apache with php-fpm and manages apache as well using puppetlabs-apache. The module has been architected with the intention of adding nginx support, we're just not there yet. PR's are welcome.
puppet module install zivtech-drupal_php
include drupal_php
class { 'drupal_php':
memory_limit_server => '128M',
max_execution_time_cli => 60,
post_max_size => '8M',
More advanced configuration can be accomplished using hierra.
- Installs php, php-fpm, many extensions, and apache
- Modifies some apache configurations (installing modules, optionally changing listen ports)
- Installs a default fpm pool that listens at
- An apache vhost can be easily added using the apache php vhost resource provided by the php module.