The IATI Query Builder runs on top the the API application. It will allow users to interact with all the IATI data that is available in the IATI Registry using a form based interface which enables a user to select what IATI fields to extract, select dates and output formats.
IATI is a global aid transparency standard and it makes information about aid spending easier to access, re-use and understand the underlying data using a unified open standard. You can find more about the IATI XML standard at:
- Website:
- Authors: Zimmerman
- License: AGPLv3 (see included LICENSE file for full license)
- Github Repo:
- Bug Tracker:
1. Set up the backend first
2. Checkout this repository to a local folder
3. Make sure you've installed node.js 10.16.3 or higher
4. Run yarn install
5. Create an .env file and specify the following variables:
- NODE_PATH=src/
6. Run yarn start
For a birds eye view on the different facets of the query builder please take the following steps:
1. Install codecrumbs by running: yarn global add codecrumbs
2. Start by running: codecrumbs
3. Open a browser window or a new tab and navigate to: http://localhost:1234
Yes! We are mainly looking for coders to help on the project. If you are a coder feel free to Fork the repository and send us Pull requests!