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copy elision: if-err with aggregate
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export fn entry() void {
    var x: error!Foo = foo();
    var y = if (x) |a| a.y else |e| bar();

define void @entry() #2 !dbg !41 {
  %x = alloca { i16, %Foo }, align 4
  %y = alloca %Bar, align 4
  %0 = getelementptr inbounds { i16, %Foo }, { i16, %Foo }* %x, i32 0, i32 0, !dbg !64
  store i16 0, i16* %0, align 2, !dbg !64
  %1 = getelementptr inbounds { i16, %Foo }, { i16, %Foo }* %x, i32 0, i32 1, !dbg !64
  call fastcc void @foo(%Foo* sret %1), !dbg !65
  call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata { i16, %Foo }* %x, metadata !45, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !64
  %2 = getelementptr inbounds { i16, %Foo }, { i16, %Foo }* %x, i32 0, i32 0, !dbg !66
  %3 = load i16, i16* %2, align 2, !dbg !66
  %4 = icmp ne i16 %3, 0, !dbg !66
  br i1 %4, label %IfErrElse, label %IfErrThen, !dbg !66

IfErrThen:                                        ; preds = %Entry
  %5 = getelementptr inbounds { i16, %Foo }, { i16, %Foo }* %x, i32 0, i32 1, !dbg !66
  call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata %Foo* %5, metadata !60, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !66
  %6 = getelementptr inbounds %Foo, %Foo* %5, i32 0, i32 1, !dbg !67
  %7 = bitcast %Bar* %6 to i8*, !dbg !67
  %8 = bitcast %Bar* %y to i8*, !dbg !67
  call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* align 4 %8, i8* align 4 %7, i64 8, i1 false), !dbg !67
  br label %IfErrEnd, !dbg !66

IfErrElse:                                        ; preds = %Entry
  %9 = load i16, i16* %2, align 2, !dbg !66
  call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata i16* %2, metadata !62, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !66
  call fastcc void @bar(%Bar* sret %y), !dbg !69
  br label %IfErrEnd, !dbg !66

IfErrEnd:                                         ; preds = %IfErrElse, %IfErrThen
  call void @llvm.dbg.declare(metadata %Bar* %y, metadata !63, metadata !DIExpression()), !dbg !71
  ret void, !dbg !72
andrewrk committed Oct 30, 2018
1 parent 1bda970 commit 88427ae
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 35 deletions.
66 changes: 31 additions & 35 deletions src/ir.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -5930,7 +5930,9 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_gen_if_optional_expr(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstN
return ir_gen_lval_ptr(irb, scope, node, lval, result_loc);

static IrInstruction *ir_gen_if_err_expr(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *node, IrInstruction *result_loc) {
static IrInstruction *ir_gen_if_err_expr(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *node, LVal lval,
IrInstruction *result_loc)
assert(node->type == NodeTypeIfErrorExpr);

AstNode *target_node = node->data.if_err_expr.target_node;
@@ -5941,46 +5943,48 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_gen_if_err_expr(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *
Buf *var_symbol = node->data.if_err_expr.var_symbol;
Buf *err_symbol = node->data.if_err_expr.err_symbol;

IrInstruction *err_val_ptr = ir_gen_node(irb, target_node, scope, LValPtr, nullptr);
if (err_val_ptr == irb->codegen->invalid_instruction)
return err_val_ptr;
IrInstruction *err_union_ptr = ir_gen_node(irb, target_node, scope, LValPtr, nullptr);
if (err_union_ptr == irb->codegen->invalid_instruction)
return err_union_ptr;

IrInstruction *err_val = ir_build_load_ptr(irb, scope, node, err_val_ptr, nullptr);
IrInstruction *is_err = ir_build_test_err(irb, scope, node, err_val);
IrInstruction *ptr_opt_err_code = ir_build_error_union_field_error_set(irb, scope, node, err_union_ptr);
IrInstruction *opt_err_code = ir_build_load_ptr(irb, scope, node, ptr_opt_err_code, nullptr);
IrInstruction *is_err = ir_build_test_nonnull(irb, scope, node, opt_err_code);

IrBasicBlock *ok_block = ir_create_basic_block(irb, scope, "TryOk");
IrBasicBlock *else_block = ir_create_basic_block(irb, scope, "TryElse");
IrBasicBlock *endif_block = ir_create_basic_block(irb, scope, "TryEnd");
IrBasicBlock *ok_block = ir_create_basic_block(irb, scope, "IfErrThen");
IrBasicBlock *else_block = ir_create_basic_block(irb, scope, "IfErrElse");
IrBasicBlock *endif_block = ir_create_basic_block(irb, scope, "IfErrEnd");

bool force_comptime = ir_should_inline(irb->exec, scope);
IrInstruction *is_comptime = force_comptime ? ir_build_const_bool(irb, scope, node, true) : ir_build_test_comptime(irb, scope, node, is_err);
IrInstruction *is_comptime = force_comptime ?
ir_build_const_bool(irb, scope, node, true) : ir_build_test_comptime(irb, scope, node, is_err);
ir_build_cond_br(irb, scope, node, is_err, else_block, ok_block, is_comptime);

ir_set_cursor_at_end_and_append_block(irb, ok_block);

Scope *subexpr_scope = create_runtime_scope(irb->codegen, node, scope, is_comptime);
Scope *var_scope;
if (var_symbol) {
IrInstruction *payload_ptr = ir_build_unwrap_err_payload(irb, subexpr_scope, node, err_union_ptr, false);

IrInstruction *var_type = nullptr;
bool is_shadowable = false;
IrInstruction *var_is_comptime = force_comptime ? ir_build_const_bool(irb, subexpr_scope, node, true) : ir_build_test_comptime(irb, subexpr_scope, node, err_val);
IrInstruction *var_is_comptime = force_comptime ?
ir_build_const_bool(irb, subexpr_scope, node, true) :
ir_build_test_comptime(irb, subexpr_scope, node, payload_ptr);
ZigVar *var = ir_create_var(irb, node, subexpr_scope,
var_symbol, var_is_const, var_is_const, is_shadowable, var_is_comptime);

IrInstruction *payload_alloca = ir_build_alloca_src(irb, scope, node, nullptr, nullptr, "errunion_payload");
IrInstruction *var_ptr_value = ir_build_unwrap_err_payload(irb, subexpr_scope, node, err_val_ptr, false);
IrInstruction *var_value = var_is_ptr ?
var_ptr_value : ir_build_load_result(irb, subexpr_scope, node, var_ptr_value, payload_alloca);
ir_build_store_result(irb, subexpr_scope, node, payload_alloca, var_value);
ir_build_var_decl_src(irb, subexpr_scope, node, var, var_type, nullptr, payload_alloca);
IrInstruction *var_ptr = var_is_ptr ?
ir_build_ref(irb, subexpr_scope, node, payload_ptr, true, false) : payload_ptr;
ir_build_var_decl_src(irb, subexpr_scope, node, var, var_type, nullptr, var_ptr);
var_scope = var->child_scope;
} else {
var_scope = subexpr_scope;
IrInstruction *then_expr_result = ir_gen_node(irb, then_node, var_scope, LValNone, result_loc);
if (then_expr_result == irb->codegen->invalid_instruction)
return then_expr_result;
IrBasicBlock *after_then_block = irb->current_basic_block;
if (!instr_is_unreachable(then_expr_result))
ir_mark_gen(ir_build_br(irb, scope, node, endif_block, is_comptime));

@@ -5990,14 +5994,14 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_gen_if_err_expr(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *
if (else_node) {
Scope *err_var_scope;
if (err_symbol) {
IrInstruction *var_type = nullptr;
bool is_shadowable = false;
bool is_const = true;
ZigVar *var = ir_create_var(irb, node, subexpr_scope,
err_symbol, is_const, is_const, is_shadowable, is_comptime);

IrInstruction *var_value = ir_build_unwrap_err_code(irb, subexpr_scope, node, err_val_ptr);
ir_build_var_decl_src(irb, subexpr_scope, node, var, var_type, nullptr, var_value);
IrInstruction *unwrapped_err_code_ptr = ir_build_unwrap_maybe(irb, subexpr_scope, node,
ptr_opt_err_code, false);
ir_build_var_decl_src(irb, subexpr_scope, node, var, nullptr, nullptr, unwrapped_err_code_ptr);
err_var_scope = var->child_scope;
} else {
err_var_scope = subexpr_scope;
@@ -6008,19 +6012,11 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_gen_if_err_expr(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *
} else {
else_expr_result = ir_build_const_void(irb, scope, node);
IrBasicBlock *after_else_block = irb->current_basic_block;
if (!instr_is_unreachable(else_expr_result))
ir_mark_gen(ir_build_br(irb, scope, node, endif_block, is_comptime));

ir_set_cursor_at_end_and_append_block(irb, endif_block);
IrInstruction **incoming_values = allocate<IrInstruction *>(2);
incoming_values[0] = then_expr_result;
incoming_values[1] = else_expr_result;
IrBasicBlock **incoming_blocks = allocate<IrBasicBlock *>(2);
incoming_blocks[0] = after_then_block;
incoming_blocks[1] = after_else_block;

return ir_build_phi(irb, scope, node, 2, incoming_blocks, incoming_values);
return ir_gen_lval_ptr(irb, scope, node, lval, result_loc);

static bool ir_gen_switch_prong_expr(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *scope, AstNode *switch_node, AstNode *prong_node,
@@ -6493,11 +6489,11 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_gen_catch(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *parent_scope, AstNode
return ir_gen_catch_unreachable(irb, parent_scope, node, op1_node, lval, result_loc);

IrInstruction *err_code_ptr = ir_gen_node(irb, op1_node, parent_scope, LValErrorUnion, result_loc);
if (err_code_ptr == irb->codegen->invalid_instruction)
IrInstruction *ptr_opt_err_code = ir_gen_node(irb, op1_node, parent_scope, LValErrorUnion, result_loc);
if (ptr_opt_err_code == irb->codegen->invalid_instruction)
return irb->codegen->invalid_instruction;

IrInstruction *opt_err_code = ir_build_load_ptr(irb, parent_scope, node, err_code_ptr, nullptr);
IrInstruction *opt_err_code = ir_build_load_ptr(irb, parent_scope, node, ptr_opt_err_code, nullptr);
IrInstruction *is_err = ir_build_test_nonnull(irb, parent_scope, node, opt_err_code);

IrInstruction *is_comptime;
@@ -6522,7 +6518,7 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_gen_catch(IrBuilder *irb, Scope *parent_scope, AstNode
is_const, is_const, is_shadowable, is_comptime);
err_scope = var->child_scope;
IrInstruction *unwrapped_err_code_ptr = ir_build_unwrap_maybe(irb, err_scope, var_node,
err_code_ptr, false);
ptr_opt_err_code, false);
ir_build_var_decl_src(irb, err_scope, var_node, var, nullptr, nullptr, unwrapped_err_code_ptr);
} else {
err_scope = parent_scope;
@@ -7307,7 +7303,7 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_gen_node_raw(IrBuilder *irb, AstNode *node, Scope *scop
case NodeTypeNullLiteral:
return ir_gen_value(irb, scope, node, lval, result_loc, ir_gen_null_literal(irb, scope, node));
case NodeTypeIfErrorExpr:
return ir_lval_wrap(irb, scope, ir_gen_if_err_expr(irb, scope, node, result_loc), lval);
return ir_gen_if_err_expr(irb, scope, node, lval, result_loc);
case NodeTypeIfOptional:
return ir_gen_if_optional_expr(irb, scope, node, lval, result_loc);
case NodeTypeSwitchExpr:

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