Installation: 1.1 Method One:
- Code is in a Zip file format named Wireit.zip - Unzip the zip file in magento_solution_directory/app/code folder - Run the following commands to install the module - php bin/magento setup:di:compile && php bin/magento setup:upgrade - Flush the cache by running - php bin/magento cache:flush - Place the JSON and CSV files at following path - magento_solution_directory/var/import/
1.2. Method Two:
- Please execute the following two commands in order to set Composer to accept dev releases
- composer config minimum-stability dev
- composer config prefer-stable true
- For the installation of the module, please run
- composer require ziaur1/import (It will install the module under directory magento_solution_director/vendor)
- Once installed, please run
- php bin/magento setup:di:compile && php bin/magento setup:uphgrade && php bin/magento module:enable Wireit_Import
- Flush the cache by running following command
- php bin/magento cache:flush
- Usage
- Please run the following commands to import data from given sample files
- For JSON Profile
php bin/magento customer:import sample-json var/import/sample.json
- For CSV Profile
php bin/magento customer:import sample-csv var/import/sample.csv