is a ruby library and binary to manipulate Provisioning Profiles.
It can help you create ruby scripts to list, get information, find and filter local Provisioning Profiles easily.
$ gem install pprof
(You might need to run this command with sudo
if your gem home is a system directory)
- Clone the repository
- Build it using
gem build pprof.gemspec
- Install it using
gem install pprof-*.gem
with the current version number)
Find all the Provisioning Profiles that are attached to a given Team, or with a given AppID, or that will expire after a given date.
List all your Provisioning Profiles and their inner information, like the provisioned device UDIDs, the list of certificates (with their associated subject/name), etc.
# List all provisioning profiles
$ pprof
# Filter provisioning profiles by name
$ pprof --name foo # only ones containing 'foo', case sensitive
$ pprof --name /foo/i # only ones containing 'foo', case insensitive
$ pprof --name '/foo|bar/' # only ones containing 'foo' or 'bar'
$ pprof --name /^foo$/ # only the ones exactly matching 'foo'
# Filter by AppID
$ pprof --appid com.foo # only ones containing 'com.foo'
$ pprof --appid '/com\.(foo|bar)/' # only ones containing 'com.foo' or 'com.bar'
# List only provisioning profiles having push notifications
$ pprof --aps
$ pprof --aps development
$ pprof --aps production
# List only provisioning profiles being expired or not
$ pprof --exp
$ pprof --no-exp
# List only provisioning profiles containing provisioned devices
$ pprof --has-devices
# Combine filters
$ pprof --has-devices --aps --appid com.foo
# List only the expired profiles, and pipe the resulting list to xargs to remove them all
$ pprof --exp -0 | xargs -0 rm
# Print info for a given Provisioning Profile
$ pprof '12345678-ABCD-EF90-1234-567890ABCDEF'
# Print certificates in a given PP
$ pprof --certs '12345678-ABCD-EF90-1234-567890ABCDEF'
# Print devices in a given PP
$ pprof --devices '12345678-ABCD-EF90-1234-567890ABCDEF'
# Print all info on a given PP
$ pprof --certs --devices --info '12345678-ABCD-EF90-1234-567890ABCDEF'
$ pprof -cdi '12345678-ABCD-EF90-1234-567890ABCDEF'
require 'pprof'
# Load the Provisioning Profile
p = PProf::ProvisioningProfile.new('12345678-ABCD-EF90-1234-567890ABCDEF')
# Print various informations
puts p.name
puts p.team_name
puts p.entitlements.aps_environment
puts p.provisioned_devices.count
# Use an OutputFormatter to pretty-print the info
o = PProf::OutputFormatter.new
# You can also print into any IO other than $stdout, like a File
File.open('certs.txt', 'w') do |file|
o2 = PProf::OutputFormatter.new(file)
o2.print_info(p, :certs => true)
# And you can easily loop on all provisioning profiles and manipulate each
dir = PProf::ProvisioningProfile::DEFAULT_DIR
Dir["#{dir}/*.mobileprovision"].each do |file|
p = PProf::ProvisioningProfile.new(file)
puts p.name
Provisioning Profiles are in fact PKCS7 files which contain a plist payload.
That plist payload itself contains various data, including some textual information (Team Name, AppID, …), dates (expiration date, etc) but also X509 Certificates (OpenSSL::X509::Certificate
Outline of the two main classes `ProvisioningProfile` and `Entitlements`
new(file) => PProf::ProvisioningProfile
to_hash => Hash<String, Any>
name => String
uuid => String
app_id_name => String
app_id_prefix => String
creation_date => DateTime
expiration_date => DateTime
ttl => Int
team_ids => Array<String>
team_name => String
developer_certificates => Array<OpenSSL::X509::Certificate>
entitlements => PProf::Entitlements
provisioned_devices => Array<String>
provisions_all_devices => Bool
new(dict) => PProf::Entitlements
to_hash => Hash<String, Any>
[](key) => Any
has_key?(key) => Bool
keys => Array<String>
keychain_access_groups => Array<String>
get_task_allow => Bool
app_id => String
team_id => String
aps_environment => String
app_groups => Array<String>
beta_reports_active => Bool
healthkit => Bool
ubiquity_container_identifiers => Array<String>
ubiquity_kvstore_identifier => String
There's plenty of room for improvement, including:
- Additional filters
- Parsing of additional entitlement keys
Don't hesitate to contribute, either with an Issue to give ideas or additional keys that aren't parsed yet, or via a Pull Request to provide new features yourself!
This project is under the MIT license. See LICENSE
file for more details.