A GPU parallelized Direct Boundary Integral Equation methond for nonlinear force-free magnetic fields.
dbie.cu: main code of the NLFFF extrapolation.
dbie_make_boundary.pro: main code to create an input boundary file.
dbie_bin2sav.pro: main code to convert the output results from the NLFFF extrapolation to IDL sav file.
Detailed explanation can be found in the comments of the main codes.
cd to dbie diretory, execute the setenv_dbie.sh to setup the environment.
Create the input file of boundary data. Run dbie_make_boundary.pro
in IDL.
IDL> dbie_make_boundary,bx,by,bz,date,time
Compile the source code before running the NLFFF extrapolation
nvcc -o dbie dbie.cu -arch=sm_20 -use_fast_math -Xptxas -v,-dlcm=cg
Assuming the boundary data (bx,by,bz) observed at the date of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, and the dimension of the data are Ndx*Ndy, you can run the extrapolation to a height of Ndz layers with follow command.
./dbie yyyymmdd hh mm 0 Ndx-1 0 Ndy-1 1 Ndz
When the extrapolation completed, a binary containing the result from extrapolation will be saved in results folder.
The output 3-Dimension magnetic field data can be retrieved to a IDL sav file with dbie_bin2sav.pro
IDL> dbie_bin2sav
- Sijie Yu (@sjyu1988)
- Yihua Yan([email protected])