Tensorflow 2.0 Implement of AnimeGAN
My implementation is summarized here. I can't do more experiments because of the lack of more GPU. At present, only preliminary results have been achieved.
If anyone is interested, I'm glad to do research with him.
conda create --name tf2 python=3.7.4 -y
conda activate tf2
conda install numpy=1.17.4 tensorflow-gpu tensorflow-probability opencv tqdm toolz PyYAML -y
pip install tensorflow_addons more_itertools tensorflow_model_optimization
Download dataset
Modify config file
line 6 to your dataset path Modifyconfig/default_animegan.yml
line 6 to your dataset path -
make train_gan CFG=config/default_animegan_warmup.yml # first warmup make train_gan CFG=config/default_animegan.yml
tensorboard --logdir log/default_animegan_exp_2_11 --samples_per_plugin images=0
you can use my pre-trained ckpt.
make infer_gan CKPT=log/default_animegan_exp_2_11/generator_model-50.h5 IMG=xxxxx/animedataset/test/real cd /tmp/test_photos/ # generate image dir
color from gray to rgb.# NOTE original AnimeGAN `anime_smooth_data` is gray. # data_dict['anime_smooth_data'] = tf.tile( # tf.image.rgb_to_grayscale(anime_smooth), [1, 1, 3]) data_dict['anime_smooth_data'] = anime_smooth
style loss
color from gray to rgb.# con_loss, sty_loss = self.con_sty_loss(self.p_model, real_data, # anime_gray_data, gen_output) con_loss, sty_loss = self.con_sty_loss(self.p_model, real_data, anime_data, gen_output)
consist loss
model from VGG19 to MobilenetV2inputs = tf.keras.Input([256, 256, 3]) model = tf.keras.applications.MobileNetV2( include_top=False, alpha=1.3, weights='imagenet', input_tensor=inputs, pooling=None, classes=1000) self.p_model: tf.keras.Model = tf.keras.Model( inputs, model.get_layer('block_6_expand').output) # model: tf.keras.Model = tf.keras.applications.VGG19( # include_top=False, # weights='imagenet', # input_tensor=inputs, # pooling=None, # classes=1000) # self.p_model = tf.keras.Model( # inputs, # tf.keras.layers.Activation('linear', dtype=tf.float32)( # model.get_layer('block4_conv4').output))
In this implementation, my discriminator and generator did not achieve real confrontation.
From the loss curve analysis, I think it is because
color loss
makes the image tend to be more reality, whilestyle loss
makes the image tend to be stylization, and the discriminator is too easy to distinguish, so the image be more reality. -
Not every image can be animated.
It seems that there is a big relationship between color and image. I haven't found the reason yet.
Thanks very much for original AnimeGAN and the guidance from the original author.