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Releases: zhanxw/rvtests

Version 20150104

12 Jan 19:56
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2015-01-04 Xiaowei Zhan [email protected]

    * Improve speed and outputs of family-based models
    * Fix bug when generating covariance matrix
    * Support compiling on OSX Yosemite
    * Plan to handle multi-allelic variants better

2014-12-11 Xiaowei Zhan [email protected]

    * Report heritability estimation in family-based models
    * Add variable threshold test using analytical approach
    * Add family-based tests: famCMC, famZeggini and famSKAT
    * Add Firth regression
    * Fix bugs in famLRT

2014-10-11 Xiaowei Zhan [email protected]

    * Clean codes
    * Upgrade PCRE to version 8.36

Version 20141006

07 Oct 04:30
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    * Fix allele frequency calculation in related samples
    * Change AF = 0 to NA when the sites are all missing


23 Jul 08:25
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2014-07-23 Xiaowei Zhan [email protected]

    * Update U, V statistics for unrelated individual such that SE(effect_size) = 1/sqrt(V)
    * Improve vcf2kinship error messages

Version 20140620

24 Jun 08:52
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2014-06-20 Xiaowei Zhan [email protected]

    * Fix effect estimation in linear score test when covariates exists

Version 20140613

13 Jun 07:36
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2014-06-13 Xiaowei Zhan [email protected]

    * Fix trait summary in the MetaScore file header
    * Improve model stability in MetaCov model

Version 20140416

17 Apr 07:00
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2014-04-17 Xiaowei Zhan [email protected]

* Fix "--meta score" model outputs again... This time the results have been verified by Merlin

2014-04-16 Xiaowei Zhan [email protected]

* Fix "--meta score" model outputs on X chromosome hemizygous region
* Add header in "--meta score" model outputs

Version 20140401

02 Apr 05:08
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Suggested to upgrade.

2014-04-01 Xiaowei Zhan [email protected]

    * New parallel computation option (--thread) in vcf2kinship

2014-03-30 Xiaowei Zhan [email protected]

    * Improve: allele frequency calculation is faster

    * Improve: faster calculation of covariance in "--meta" models

20140326 Relase

27 Mar 20:02
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Major changes:

2014-03-26 Xiaowei Zhan [email protected]

    * Improve: for "--meta recessive" model, output PVALUE = NA instead of 1 at monomorphic sites
    * Improve: frequency filtering for dosage and genotype
    * Change: Pvalue header for burden tests are now "Pvalue"

2014-03-25 Xiaowei Zhan [email protected]

    * Improve: greatly improve the speed for cov,dominant and recessive models
    * Fix: MetaCov model now have the correct suffix

20140228 Release

28 Feb 17:15
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2014-02-28 Xiaowei Zhan [email protected]

    * Change: for dominant/recessive model, automatically generate covariance

rvtests version v1.2.0

28 Feb 08:45
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With date version 20140227