Plots and limits for delayed photon analysis
CADI for 2016+2017 analysis: EXO-19-005
cmsrel CMSSW_8_1_0
cd CMSSW_8_1_0/src
mkdir -p HiggsAnalysis
cd HiggsAnalysis
git clone CombinedLimit
cd CombinedLimit
git fetch origin
git checkout 81x-root606
scramv1 b clean; scramv1 b
cd ../
git clone [email protected]:zhangzc11/DelayedPhoton.git
cd DelayedPhoton
Run the analysis step by step
- skim the ntuples (not necessary, just to speed up next steps)
cd python
- run the fit and obtain datacards
./FitABCD \
/data/zhicaiz/data/Run2Analysis/DelayedPhotonAnalysis/2016/orderByPt/skim_noBDT/DelayedPhoton_DoubleEG_2016All_GoodLumi.root \
/data/zhicaiz/data/Run2Analysis/DelayedPhotonAnalysis/2016/orderByPt/skim_noBDT/GMSB_L200TeV_Ctau200cm_13TeV-pythia8.root \
"L200TeV_Ctau200cm" \
"signal (L200-Ctau200)" \
3J \
datacard \
This will generate the datacard for that signal points all datacards are in /storage/user/zhicaiz/release/DelayedPhoton/CMSSW_8_1_0/src/HiggsAnalysis/DelayedPhoton/combine/datacards for signals of ctau = 10cm, we use v20 (Closure systematics 90%), for other signal points, we use v18 (Closure systematics 2%)
- run the combine limit tool
We use HybridNews method to run the limits:
It takes a lot of time to run this thing.... so don't try it until you are doing your APPROVAL talk in one week or so... you don't want to do it twice!
As a good approximate, you can just run with the Asymptotic method:
cd fit_results/datacards_3J_noBDT/
combine DelayedPhotonCard_L200TeV_Ctau200cm.txt -M Asymptotic -n L200TeV_Ctau200cm
to run toys with HybridNew (again, don't even try it now, it's a waste of time to try it at an early stage), we need to submit condor jobs with this script: scripts_condor/
The limit trees we use for the 2016+2017 paper (calculated with toys from HybridNew) are here: combine/limitTrees_v20v18mix_HybridNew (about 1GB of space)
- draw the limit plots
Once you run all the signal points and you get the limit trees for all of them, you can plot the 2D exclusion region plot (the one in the paper):
cd combine