This project is a personal project, and I transplant this simulator to a bare computer of i386. Its Functions stay the same, and the rom is integrated with the OS image. I choose Yie Ar Kung-Fu as its game.
© 2013-2014 All Rights reserved.
This project is a fork of Stanislav Yaglo's mynes ( We mainly refactored the project for brevity and portabilty, by removing unused comments and changing the file structure. LiteNES runs classical roms (e.g., Battle City, Yie Ar Kung-Fu and Super Mario), but has only partial support of NES roms, and does not support the emulation of APU.
The key feature of LiteNES is its portability:
the system-call-dependent code is reduced to minimal
(only appears in hal.c
and main.c
All other sources do not contain any direct or indirect calls to the operating system kernel.
Also, the only calls to standard C library are memory movements (e.g., memcpy
and memcmp
To port LiteNES to other systems, only slight modification of main.c
and re-implementation of hal.c
is required.
To compile LiteNES, you must have allegro5 library.
Usually you can install it in the official software repository
(by apt-get
, yum
, pacman
or emerge
, depending on your Linux
For Ubuntu users, if you cannot find allegro5 in your sources, please find
and liballegro5-dev
deb package and install them.
Type make
in the command line to compile. Resolve any error message until
the litenes
binary file is created.
You need to prepare a NES rom first.
Assume it (rom.nes
) is located in the same directory as the LiteNES binary.
Then in this directory, type ./litenes rom.nes
to start the emulator.
Key bindings: UP - W
, DOWN - S
, LEFT - A
, A - K
and B - J
. Only one player is supported.
in terminal to exit.