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Merge May 16 EMC develop to gsl/develop (NOAA-GSL#144)
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* Feature/ccpp codeowners (NOAA-EMC#442)

* Per-file CODEOWNERS in ccpp/physics to set up automatic review requests

* Code cleanup. Remove used code/variables. Fix minor inconsistencies. (NOAA-EMC#440)

* Remove ESMF Alarm and TimeInterval variables from module_fv3_config.
* Variables nfhmax, nfhmax_hf are unused outside InitializeAdvertise. Declared them as local variables.
* There is no need to keep duplicates of all time related variables in atm_int_state when we can easily access them from atm_int_state%Atm.
* Remove redundant call to fms_init
* Add few missing ESMF_LogFoundError checks in module_fcst_grid_comp.F90
* Delete time_utils.F90. Unused.
* print only actual errors to stderr, everything else to stdout
* Move realizeConnectedCplFields to module_cplfields from module_cap_cpl
* Declare Atmos as module variable, and remove atmos_internalstate_wrapper
* Move code from clock_cplIntval to InitializeAdvertise
* Removed INTERNAL_FILE_NML from atmos_model.F90

* CCPP cloud cover change for Thompson MP associated with Xu Randall (NOAA-EMC#443)

* Remove old comments from GFS_typedefs.F90.
* Update logic that sets Model%cnvcld = .false.

* Wrapper for ccpp-physics NOAA-EMC#806, NOAA-EMC#807, NOAA-EMC#813 (NOAA-EMC#447)

* CCPP physics updates from PR NOAA-EMC#806(only diagnostic changes for RRTMGP - small diag-only RT impact for tests involving RRTMGP),NOAA-EMC#807 (only aborting model if sfc emis file not present when needed) ,NOAA-EMC#813(only SCM-specific physics changes)

* Wrapper for ccpp-physics NOAA-EMC#808 and 816 (roughness length over ice and NoahMP tsurf bugfix) (NOAA-EMC#452)

This PR contains the ccpp physics PR NOAA-EMC#808 and NOAA-EMC#816. 808 addresses an error in the momentum roughness length over tiles with ice. 816 fixes an occasional segfault bug related to the tsurf variable in NoahMP and updates to "improve snow simulation in NoahMP for P8".

* Use 'model set run clock' routine in FV3 NUOPC cap. (NOAA-EMC#450)

* Add 'SetRunClock' specialization routine to FV3 NUOPC cap, which sets fv3 model clock. FV3 cap does not keep local copy of clock (clock_fv3) as saved module variable anymore.
* Minor code cleanup.

* Clean up iovr=4 (exponential cloud overlapping method) in RRTMG (NOAA-EMC#445)

Clean up the exponential cloud overlapping method in RRTMG, which reflects the practice of the pre-2018 operational HWRF model.

* Bug fix for dimensions of eta level variables and WAM variables in Fortran code and CCPP metadata (NOAA-EMC#431)

* Add additional diagnostic arrays for radiation-microphysics development
* Bug fixes for WAM model runs with levr < levs

* Update inline post with latest UPP release upp_v10.0.11 (NOAA-EMC#449)

* Update UPP revision
* Add foundation temperaure in GFS read interface for inline post.

* Wrapper for ccpp-physics NOAA-EMC#812 (NOAA-EMC#453)

* update submodule pointer for regression testing of ccpp-physics#812

* MYNN sfclay (RAP suite) restart reproducibility, P8 suite definition files (NOAA-EMC#455)

* Fix uninitialized variable zmtnblck in ccpp/data/GFS_typedefs.F90
* Fix typo in CCPP standard name for ncnvwind in ccpp/data/GFS_typedefs.meta
* Add ten 2d variables required for MYNNSFC restart reproducibility to ccpp/driver/GFS_restart.F90
* create initial p8 suites, P8 initial SDFs as copies of FV3_GFS_v16_coupled_nsstNoahmpUGWPv1
and FV3_GFS_v16_nsstNoahmpUGWPv1

Co-authored-by: Denise Worthen <[email protected]>

* Fixes on initializing snow depth over ice and changes z0ice (NOAA-EMC#461)

* modify FV3GFS_io.F90 by fixing errors associated with initializing snow depth over ice in the case where both land and water coexist (i.e. fractional grid case)
* z0ice is changed to 1.0 cm from 1.1cm in atmos_model.F90

* Radar-derived microphysics temperature tendencies similar to operational HRRR (NOAA-EMC#457)

- implements a feature of the operational HRRR, radar-derived microphysics temperature tendencies applied in the first N minutes of the forecast to improve clouds in the first few hours.
* HRRR-like radar-derived temperature tendencies
* Give a warning when convection is enabled with radar tten
* Fix uninitialized variable zmtnblck in ccpp/data/GFS_typedefs.F90
* Add ten 2d variables required for MYNNSFC restart reproducibility to ccpp/driver/GFS_restart.F90

* fixing snod bug in atmos_model.F90 (NOAA-EMC#465)

* Thompson MP cloud tuning (NOAA-EMC#463)

*  Improve cloud fraction when using Thompson MP. See NCAR/ccpp-physics#809 for more details.

* Feature/hwrf legacy (NOAA-EMC#459)

* Added a new suite definition file: suite_FV3_HAFS_v0_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf.xml. This SDF is a legacy hwrf SDF but only the GFDL surface layer scheme and the Thompson scheme are kept.

* CCPP: Update consistency checks and effective radii calculation for Thompson MP (NOAA-EMC#462)

* This PR updates the submodule pointer for ccpp-physics for the changes described in NCAR/ccpp-physics#786 (Update consistency checks and effective radii calculation for Thompson MP)

* Unified write_netcdf, add single file 'cubed_sphere_grid' output (NOAA-EMC#466)

* Unify write_netcdf and write_netcdf_parallel modules.
* Add support for writing 'cubed_sphere_grid' history files in a single netcdf file
* Code refactoring and cleanup.

* Change standard name and unit of CCPP error flag variable in CCPP framework and physics (NOAA-EMC#467)

*Change standard name and unit of CCPP error flag variable in CCPP framework and physics.

* Add code to enable ESMF managed threading (NOAA-EMC#469)

* Implement ESMF-managed-threading for fcstComp and wrtComp's.

* Revisions to repair iovr=5 cloud overlap option (NOAA-EMC#471)

*This PR addresses part 2 of CCPP issue NOAA-EMC#748 to activate the exponential-random cloud overlap method (iovr=5) in RRTMG.

* Add 2d decomposition on the write grid comp (NOAA-EMC#470)

* update write grid comp to have 2D decomposition on output grid.
* combine PR#468: Bug fix in FV3GFS_io.F90 for allocation of temp2d

Co-authored-by: Ted Mansell <[email protected]>

* 4DIAU bug when iau_filter_increments=T  (NOAA-EMC#458)

* Add lsm_cold_start variable for RUC LSM SCM support and gwdps bugfix (combined) (NOAA-EMC#475)

* add lsm_cold_start variable in GFS_typedefs.F90/meta and update ccpp/physics for testing
* includes @SMoorthi-emc 's bugfix for gwdps.f.

* add lon info in the write group (NOAA-EMC#476)

* Multiple output grids (NOAA-EMC#480)

Update fv3 cap and write grid component to enable outputting multiple domains.
This is done be creating an array of fcstGrids, and array of rout handles where each element of these arrays correspond to one atm domain.
In the write grid component updates were made to allow grid spec parameters for each output grid to be specified separately.

Co-authored-by: Gerhard Theurich <[email protected]>

* GPU-enabled version of Grell-Freitas convection in ccpp-physics (NOAA-EMC#479)

* Enable Thompson MP when coupling with UFS-Aerosols (NOAA-EMC#484)

* Add support for Stochastically Perturbed Parameterizations (SPP) in FV3 and add the FV3_RRFS_v1alpha SDF. (NOAA-EMC#454)

Adds the necessary code in fv3atm to allow for Stochastically Perturbed Parameterizations (SPP) in a set of RAP/HRRR-based physics parameterizations. Specific to the fv3atm repository, code in this PR defines the necessary variables associated with various SPP-related fields (e.g., logical to activate SPP, parameterization-specific SPP variables, etc.) that are then passed to ccpp-physics.

* lateral boundary fix for regional runs (NOAA-EMC#482)

* Feature: NSSL Microphysics support (NOAA-EMC#472)

Supports CCPP with new NSSL microphysics scheme, which has separate hydrometeor categories for graupel and hail (Mansell et al. 2010, JAS). This PR allows fv3atm to compile correctly with CCPP+NSSL, but a further update to atmos_cubed_sphere is needed to run correctly. The NSSL scheme is used in NSSL's daily FV3 convection-allowing forecasts, and the scheme itself is aimed at this scale (dx <= 4km). Testing is underway also with a preliminary Warn-on-Forecast FV3 ensemble.

* Add p8b SDF (NOAA-EMC#491)

* add p8 suite files
* fix 2phases intermediate restart

Co-authored-by: Raffaele Montuoro <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun Wang <[email protected]>

* Split CCPP finalize into physics_finalize and (framework) finalize; minor CCPP cleanup and documentation updates (NOAA-EMC#487)

* Minor cleanup and documentation updates for CCPP; split CCPP finalize into physics_finalize and (framework) finalize

* Add 'valid time' variable using ISO string format (NOAA-EMC#492)

Add 'valid time' variable using ISO string format to netcdf history files.
Use double precision variable to set value of 'time' attribute in wrt comp import state
Update ccpp/physics (setting surface-related interstitial variables for SCM prescribed-surface-flux mode)
Update inline_post_stub.F90 subroutine interfaces to match inline_post.F90

Co-authored-by: Ted Mansell <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Grant Firl <[email protected]>

* Fix Lambert Conformal Conic mapping in the write component on the southern hemisphere (NOAA-EMC#497)

Subroutine `lambert` in the write component has been fixed to do the mapping on the southern hemisphere correctly.

* Rectify total number of Thompson MP species for PBL mixing (NOAA-EMC#509)

* update upp revision (NOAA-EMC#505)

* move some parameters in mynn surface layer to namelist options

* land surface upgrades for p8c (NOAA-EMC#499)

* Added capability for cdmbgwd(1) to scale GSL blocking drag (NOAA-EMC#502)

* release/p8c: it is related to ccpp-physics PBL and cumulus updates plus a bug fix to the Thompson scheme PR NOAA-EMC#882 (NOAA-EMC#503)

* change ccpp-physics branch to feature/p8c_pbl_cp branch

* change ccpp/physics in feature/p8c_pbl_cp branch

* revised GFS_typedefs.F90 for the paramters in the saSAS scheme

* sync upp

* Revert "sync upp"

This reverts commit 429d046.

* sync upp to 0185bb9

* Merge remote-tracking branch remote/main for ccpp-physics and update .gitmodules

* Bring AQM model into UFS (NOAA-EMC#511)

* Reset to zero coupling arrays for accumulated snow,  large scale rain, and convective rain at the end of each coupling step if coupling with chemistry model.
* Properly set kind type of literal constants defining zero and one.
* Initialize to zero canopy resistance output variablein noah/osu land-surface model subdriver.
* Re-implement radiation diagnostic output involving spectral band layer cloud optical depths (0.55 and 10 mu channels)
to prevent floating invalid errors due to uninitialized optical depth arrays.
* Temporarily disable filling export fields during the NUOPC Realize phase since it breaks coupling with aerosol component.
* Increase maximum number of input aerosol scavenging factors to accommodate AQM/CMAQ 5.2.1 chemical tracers.
* Remove inst_pres_height_surface from chemistryFieldNames as its imported already elsewhere

Co-authored-by: Raffaele Montuoro <[email protected]>

* RRTMGP for prototype 8 (NOAA-EMC#498)

* Add explict treatment of convective cloud to RRTMGP.
* Some cleanup and bug fixes from previous commit. working now with Thompson MP plus radiatively active convective cloud.
* Updated physics. New interstitials.
* Added explicit MYNN-EDMF cloud coupling to RRTMGP.
* Added switches for sgs clouds in GP.
* Replaced cld_mynn_ naming convention with cld_pbl_
* Fixed inconsistency between G/GP in Thompson MP.
* Some more cleanup of cloud-fraction...
* Pulled in Qingfu's changes to ccpp-physics
* Synced physics with main
* Updated physics.
* Revert change from previous commits (sampling of different cloud types). New SDFs for p8c
* Changed arguments to implied shape.
* Renamed scheme file in SDF. Now common to both RRTMG and RRTMGP SDFs
* Syntax error in ccpp-physics
* Revert changes to names
* Renamed p8_rrtmgp SDFs
* Added bounding to temperature at layer-interface used by RRTMGP.
* Reorder loop
* Combined gp sw and lw aerosol routines. Modest speedup (~4%)

* HAFS related moving-nesting, nest coupling, and movable output grid capabilities (NOAA-EMC#501)

* Add the storm-following or specified moving-nesting capability for both the regional and global configuration.
* Expand the UFS/HAFS FV3ATM-HYCOM ocean coupling to support the static and moving nesting configuration.
* Expand the write grid component to support outputting the moving nest domain properly.
* Five HAFS related moving-nesting regression tests are added to test these newly added features. The regional_hafs RT was removed.

Co-authored-by: Dom Heinzeller <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Dom Heinzeller <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Grant Firl <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Daniel Rosen <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: man.zhang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: William Ramstrom <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Ufuk Turuncoglu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Dusan Jovic <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: A-Kyle <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Gerhard Theurich <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Dusan Jovic <[email protected]>

* Split GFS_typedefs.F90, rename CCPP_interstitial, import ccpp_t from ccpp_types (NOAA-EMC#508)

* Split GFS_typedefs.F90: move GFS_interstitial_type to CCPP_typedefs.F90; Rename CCPP_interstitial to GFDL_interstitial; Import ccpp_t from ccpp_types instead of ccpp_api
* Add bugfix in ccpp/data/GFS_typedefs.meta: mark input_nml_file as active only if the number of lines in the file is greater than zero

* Fix uninitialized min_rand variable in Thompson MP when using SPP (NOAA-EMC#516)

* Pass SPP namelist entries outside of stochastic physics routines.

* Fixes to SPP metadata

* Add active attribute to spp_prt_list

* Add active metadata flag to spp_stddev_cutoff

* Add active metadata flag for spp_var_list

* A bug fix for wet scavenging of aerosols and a minor modification for moisture property calculation  (NOAA-EMC#520)

* Update for one-to-one CCPP physics schemes/files (NOAA-EMC#519)

* point to gsl/merge-develop branch

* Point to gsl/merge-develop-to-community branch for ccpp/physics

* Corrections to merge + joe updates

* Point .gitmodules to Sam's fork

* Correct issues found by reviewers

* Rename mynnpbl to mynnedmf

* Remove some empty _init and _finalize routines and update a comment in sgscloud_radpre

* Feature/lndp noahmp2 : add land perturbation scheme for Noah-MP fractional veg  (NOAA-EMC#513)

Updates to allow land perturbation scheme to be applied for Noah-MP.

Main code changes:
-added lsm_noahmp model option to lndp_type==2 land perturbation scheme (fv3-atm, stochastic_physics)
-updated comments
-cleaned up the namelists to make the different options clearer. Removed misleading lndp_each_step variable from gfs_physics_nml, and replaced it with "lndp_model_type" in the nam_sfcperts namelist for the different forecast types (cycling DA, short forecasts, perturbing only initial conditions) (fv3-atm, stochastic_physics, ufs-weather-model)
NOTE: see note below, re: specification of smc perturbation for RAP/HRRR/etc (lndp_model_type==2)
-revised code in stochastic_physics_wrapper to only allocate arrays that will be used when passed into lndp_apply_perts (fv3-atm)
-deleted unused albedo arrays in stochastic_physics_wrapper and lndp_apply_perts (fv3-atm, stochastic_physics)
-fixed bug causing precision errors when calculating the soil moisture ice content (often ~0.0; stochastic_physics)
-fixed bug in which lndp_apply_perts wasn't called for nscyc = 0. (fv3-atm)
-increased max_nvar_lndp at Jeff Ator's request (fv3-atm)
-added a new test for the Noah-MP and lndp==2 combination (ufs-weather-model)

* Add \file to smoke files

* Add hailcast code in atmos_cubed_sphere  (NOAA-EMC#528)

* Combine PROD and REPRO build options into 'Release' build type (NOAA-EMC#524)

Combined PROD and REPRO build modes into 'Release' build type. Now only 'Debug' and 'Release' build type are supported.
Both build types must produce bit-for-bit reproducible outputs using different number of threads, mpi tasks, different domain decomposition, have reproducible restarts etc.

* Unify inline post (NOAA-EMC#521)

* Unify global and regional inline posts and add bug fix for dx/dy computation.
* Update upp revision to dc8bc68
* Set up different configurations of read max/min 2m T for global and regional FV3.

* adding bug fix from jili dong and removing U* averaging

* adding bug fix from jili dong and removing U* averaging

* Remove some commented-out code from cu_gf_driver in ccpp-physics.

* Turn rrtmg smoke band 10 into a model namelist variable

* Switch ccpp-physics smoke arguments to implied shape

* Remove some stops and gotos from ccpp-physics smoke

* Remove some hard-coded constants and rename some meta entries

* Change RRTMGP to RRTMG in two P8 SDFs (NOAA-EMC#527)

* Change RRTMGP to RRTMG in suite_FV3_GFS_v17_p8 and suite_FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8
* deleted or modified some SDFs related to RRTMGP or Thompson schemes
* added a new SDF file for P8 with rrtmgp

* Rename some standard_names, change a unit, and remove a "use physcons"

* NSSL ccpp-physics bugfixes and new ccpp-framework debugging feature (NOAA-EMC#529)

* Set num3d correctly when using radar_tten

* Only add cnv_3d_ud_mf to the restart files when needed

* Pass some chemistry varibles to mynn_bl_driver correctly

* Correct argument passing within mynn edmf

* point to NCAR main ccpp/physics

* merge gsl institutional fork (NOAA-EMC#526)

Merge in GSL institutional fork

* point to sam's repo

* ccpp/physics: Change to GSL CODEOWNERS

* Returned the comments on soil resistance back.

* point to gsl/develop for ccpp/physics

Co-authored-by: Dusan Jovic <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Dom Heinzeller <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Grant Firl <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: mzhangw <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: WenMeng-NOAA <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Denise Worthen <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: SMoorthi-emc <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ChunxiZhang-NOAA <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun Wang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Ted Mansell <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jeff Whitaker <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Gerhard Theurich <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: DomHeinzeller <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Raffaele Montuoro <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: JeffBeck-NOAA <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: MatthewPyle-NOAA <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Ted Mansell <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jessica Meixner <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Jun Wang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: joeolson42 <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: HelinWei-NOAA <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: mdtoyNOAA <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Brian Curtis <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: dustinswales <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Bin Liu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Dom Heinzeller <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Grant Firl <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Daniel Rosen <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: man.zhang <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: William Ramstrom <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Ufuk Turuncoglu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Dusan Jovic <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: A-Kyle <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: ClaraDraper-NOAA <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: BinLi-NOAA <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
1 parent 75396de commit e671787
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 123 changed files with 7,690 additions and 8,374 deletions.
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ set(use_WRTCOMP ON)
set(USE_GFSL63 ON)

Expand All @@ -22,7 +25,7 @@ add_subdirectory(atmos_cubed_sphere)
set(POST_SRC io/inline_post.F90 io/post_nems_routines.F90 io/post_gfs.F90 io/post_regional.F90)
set(POST_SRC io/inline_post.F90 io/post_nems_routines.F90 io/post_fv3.F90)
set(POST_SRC io/inline_post_stub.F90)
list(APPEND _fv3atm_defs_private NO_INLINE_POST)
Expand All @@ -32,6 +35,10 @@ if(NOT PARALLEL_NETCDF)
list(APPEND _fv3atm_defs_private NO_PARALLEL_NETCDF)

list(APPEND _fv3atm_defs_private MOVING_NEST)

Expand Down
381 changes: 292 additions & 89 deletions atmos_model.F90

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

17 changes: 2 additions & 15 deletions ccpp/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
message(STATUS "Setting build type to 'Release' as none was specified.")
set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build." FORCE)
# Set the possible values of build type for cmake-gui
set_property(CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS "Debug" "Release" "Coverage")

# CMake Modules

# Call to CCPP code generator
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,21 +50,13 @@ if(MPI)

# Set additional flags for debug build
set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -init=snan,arrays")

# Set flag for 32bit dynamics build
message(STATUS "Compile CCPP slow physics with 64-bit precision, fast physics with 32-bit precision")
set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_PHYSICS "-real-size 64 -no-prec-div -no-prec-sqrt")
set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_PHYSICS "-real-size 64")
set(CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_PHYSICS "-fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,7 +105,6 @@ add_library(
# Compile GFS_diagnostics.F90 without optimization, this leads to out of memory errors on wcoss_dell_p3
set_property(SOURCE driver/GFS_diagnostics.F90 APPEND_STRING PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS "-O0")

target_link_libraries(fv3ccpp PUBLIC ccpp_framework)
target_link_libraries(fv3ccpp PUBLIC ccpp_physics)

Expand Down
95 changes: 59 additions & 36 deletions ccpp/config/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,15 +47,15 @@
'module_radlw_parameters' : '',
'CCPP_typedefs' : {
'CCPP_interstitial_type' : 'CCPP_interstitial',
'GFS_interstitial_type' : 'GFS_Interstitial(cdata%thrd_no)',
'GFDL_interstitial_type' : 'GFDL_interstitial',
'CCPP_typedefs' : '',
'CCPP_data' : {
'CCPP_data' : '',
'GFS_typedefs' : {
'GFS_control_type' : 'GFS_Control',
'GFS_interstitial_type' : 'GFS_Interstitial(cdata%thrd_no)',
'GFS_data_type' : 'GFS_Data(cdata%blk_no)',
'GFS_diag_type' : 'GFS_Data(cdata%blk_no)%Intdiag',
'GFS_tbd_type' : 'GFS_Data(cdata%blk_no)%Tbd',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,11 +96,16 @@
# Relative path to source (from where is called) : [ list of physics sets in which scheme may be called ];
# current restrictions are that each scheme can only belong to one physics set, and all schemes within one group in the
# suite definition file have to belong to the same physics set
Expand All @@ -109,10 +114,22 @@
Expand All @@ -121,20 +138,25 @@
Expand All @@ -143,28 +165,30 @@
'physics/physics/mp_nssl.F90' ,
Expand All @@ -173,16 +197,18 @@
Expand All @@ -196,28 +222,24 @@

# Default build dir, relative to current working directory,
# if not specified as command-line argument

# Auto-generated makefile/cmakefile snippets that contain all type definitions
TYPEDEFS_MAKEFILE = '{build_dir}/physics/'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,6 +267,7 @@
STATIC_API_SRCFILE = '{build_dir}/physics/'

# Directory for writing HTML pages generated from metadata files
# used by for generating scientific documentation
METADATA_HTML_OUTPUT_DIR = '{build_dir}/physics/physics/docs'

# HTML document containing the model-defined CCPP variables
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions ccpp/data/CCPP_data.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ module CCPP_data

use ccpp_types, only: ccpp_t
use CCPP_typedefs, only: CCPP_interstitial_type
use CCPP_typedefs, only: GFS_interstitial_type, &
use GFS_typedefs, only: GFS_control_type, &
GFS_data_type, &

implicit none

Expand All @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module CCPP_data
cdata_domain, &
cdata_block, &
ccpp_suite, &
CCPP_interstitial, &
GFDL_interstitial, &
GFS_control, &
GFS_data, &
Expand All @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module CCPP_data
! CCPP data containers for dynamics (fast physics) !
type(CCPP_interstitial_type), save, target :: CCPP_interstitial
type(GFDL_interstitial_type), save, target :: GFDL_interstitial

! CCPP containers for the six tiles used in dynamics, !
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions ccpp/data/CCPP_data.meta
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
units = DDT
dimensions = ()
type = ccpp_t
standard_name = CCPP_interstitial_type_instance
long_name = instance of derived type CCPP_interstitial_type
standard_name = GFDL_interstitial_type_instance
long_name = instance of derived type GFDL_interstitial_type
units = DDT
dimensions = ()
type = CCPP_interstitial_type
type = GFDL_interstitial_type
standard_name = GFS_control_type_instance
long_name = instance of derived type GFS_control_type
Expand Down

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