This project is a collection of recent research in areas such as new infrastructure and urban computing, including white papers, academic papers, AI lab and dataset etc.
Contributions are always welcome! Make an individual pull request for each suggestion.
[1] What is new infrastructure
[2] Baidu AI new infrastructure layout
[3] Inventory of new infrastructure projects
[4] Map of new infrastructure enterprises
[1] 百度城市大脑白皮书
[2] 区块链赋能新型智慧城市白皮书
[3] 京东云智能城市白皮书2019
[4] 中国智能城市发展战略与策略研究
[5] 城市交通数字化转型白皮书
[9] 新基建政策白皮书
[10] 新基建发展白皮书
[11] 我国各省市新基建发展潜力白皮书
[12] 中国城市人工智能发展指数报告
[13] 人工智能与工业融合发展研究报告
[14] 2020年中国智慧城市发展研究报告
[15] 数据生产力崛起:新动能 新治理
[1] Yu Zheng: link
[2] Yanhua Li: link
[3] Xun Zhou: link
[4] YaGuang Li: link
[5] Zhenhui Jessie Li: link
[6] David S. Rosenblum: link
[7] Huaiyu Wan: link
[8] Junbo Zhang: link
[9] Shining Xiang:link
[1] iFly Tek: link
[2] JD city : link
[3] alibaba: link
[4] Huawei: link
[5] ByteDance: link
[6] alibaba damo academy: link
[7] Tencent: link
[8] Microsoft: link
[9] intel: link
[10] FACEBOOK: link
[11] Google: link
[12] National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition: link
[13] Baidu: link
[14] JD cloud: link
[15] Urban Computing Foundation Interactive Landscape: link
[1] GAIA Open Dataset: link
[2] 智慧足迹: link
[1] UK traffic flow datasets: link
[2] Illinois traffic flow datasets: link
[3] PeMS: link, Baidu Netdisk password:jutw | PeMS Guide
[1] Chengdu: link
[2] Xian: link
[1] Weather and events data: link
[2] Weather and climate data: link
[3] NSW POI data: link
[4] Road network data: link
[5] NYC OpenData: link
[6] METR-LA: link, Baidu Netdisk password:xsz5
[7] TaxiBJ: link, Baidu Netdisk password:sg4n
[8] BikeNYC: link, Baidu Netdisk password:lmwj
[9] NYC-Taxi: link, Baidu Netdisk password:022y
[10] NYC-Bike: link
[11] San Francisco taxi: link
[12] Chicago bike: link
[13] BikeDC: link
Reference | Modules | description | Architecture |
[3.1] | CNN | First convert the city into grid-shaped data, and then use CNN to capture spatial dependencies. Expand the size of the receptive field by stacking convolutional layers. | |
[3.1] | GCN | The traffic network generally organizes as a graph structure. It is natural and reasonable to formulate road networks as graphs mathematically. The graph convolution is employed directly on graph-structured data to extract highly meaningful patterns and features in the space domain. | |
Reference | Modules | description | Architecture |
[1.1] | causal convolution | Based on the past observation data, predict the possible future value |
[1.5] | dilated casual convolution | In order to solve the problems such as the disappearance of gradients, the explosion of gradients, and the difficulty of model training in long-term sequences caused by causal convolution. The time dependence can be modeled using dilated causal convolution. Dilated convolution achieves a larger receptive field with fewer convolutional layers by skipping part of the input. | |
[2.2] | LSTM | Use Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network to capture the temporal sequential dependency, which is proposed to address the exploding and vanishing gradient issue of traditional Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). | |
[1.7] | GRU | Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) , which is a simple yet powerful variant of RNNs. |
Reference | Modules | description | Architecture |
[3.1] | External Component | Mainly consider weather, holiday event, and metadata (i.e. DayOfWeek, Weekday/Weekend). To predict flows at time interval |
[2.4] | External Factor Fusion | First incorporate the temporal factors including time features, meteorological features, and SensorID which specifies the target sensor. weather can use the forecasting weather at time interval |
Reference | Modules | description | Architecture |
[3.1] | Residual connection | As the network deepens, the accuracy of the training set has decreased. We can be sure that this is not caused by overfitting (the training set should have a high accuracy in the case of overfitting); so the author raised this question A new kind of network, called deep residual network, which allows the network to deepen as much as possible. | |
Attention | |||
[1] Urban Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, and Applications. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology 2014. paper
[2] A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2020. paper
Zonghan Wu, Shirui Pan, Fengwen Chen, Guodong Long, Chengqi Zhang, Philip S. Yu
[3] Batman or the Joker? The Powerful Urban Computing and its Ethics Issues. SIGSPATIAL 2019. paper
Kaiqun Fu, Abdulaziz Alhamadani, Taoran Ji, Chang-Tien Lu
[4] Deep Learning for Spatio-Temporal Data Mining: A Survey. arXiv paper
Senzhang Wang, Jiannong Cao, Fellow, Philip S. Yu
[5] Urban flow prediction from spatialtemporal data using machine learning: A survey. Information Fusion 2020. paper
Peng Xie, Tianrui Li, Jia Liu, Shengdong Du, Xin Yang, Junbo Zhang
[6] How to Build a Graph-Based Deep Learning Architecture in Traffic Domain: A Survey. arXiv paper
Jiexia Ye, Juanjuan Zhao, Kejiang Ye, Chengzhong Xu
[7] A Survey on Modern Deep Neural Network for Traffic Prediction: Trends, Methods and Challenges. TKDE 2020. paper
David Alexander Tedjopurnomo, Zhifeng Bao, Baihua Zheng, Farhana Murtaza Choudhury, Kai Qin
[8] A Survey of Hybrid Deep Learning Methods for Traffic Flow Prediction. ICAIP 2019. paper
Yan Shi, Haoran Feng, Xiongfei Geng, Xingui Tang, Yongcai Wang
Petar Veliˇckovi´c, Guillem Cucurull, Arantxa Casanova, Adriana Romero, Pietro Li`o, Yoshua Bengio
[2] AM-GCN: Adaptive Multi-channel Graph Convolutional Networks. SIGKDD 2020. paper
Xiao Wang, Meiqi Zhu, Deyu Bo, Peng Cui, Chuan Shi, Jian Pei
[3] Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network. SIGKDD 2019. paper
Chuxu Zhang, Dongjin Song, Chao Huang, Ananthram Swami, Nitesh V. Chawla
[4] Adaptive Graph Convolutional Neural Networks. AAAI 2018. paper
Ruoyu Li, Sheng Wang, Feiyun Zhu, Junzhou Huang
[5] Temporal Graph Networks for Deep Learning on Dynamic Graphs. arXiv 2020. paper
Emanuele Rossi,Ben Chamberlain, Fabrizio Frasca, Davide Eynard, Federico Monti, Michael Bronstein
Hongbin Pei, Bingzhe Wei, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang, Yu Lei, Bo Yang
[7] Investigating and Mitigating Degree-Related Biases in Graph Convolutional Networks. CIKM 2020. paper
Xianfeng Tang, Huaxiu Yao, Yiwei Sun, Yiqi Wang, Jiliang Tang, Charu Aggarwal, Prasenjit Mitra, Suhang Wang
[8] TinyGNN: Learning Efficient Graph Neural Networks. KDD 2020. paper
Bencheng Yan, Chaokun Wang, Gaoyang Guo, Yunkai Lou
[9] Graph Neural Architecture Search. IJCAI 2020. paper
Yang Gao, Hong Yang, Peng Zhang, Chuan Zhou, Yue Hu
[1] Learning Long-term Dependencies Using Cognitive Inductive Biases in Self-attention RNNs. PMLR 2020. paper
Giancarlo Kerg, Bhargav Kanuparthi, Anirudh Goyal, Kyle Goyette, Yoshua Bengio, Guillaume Lajoie
Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks: A Deep Learning Framework for Traffic Forecasting. IJCAI 2018. paper, github, code 密码:j6ak.
Bing Yu, Haoteng Yin, Zhanxing Zhu
Dynamic Graph Convolution Network for Traffic Forecasting Based on Latent Network of Laplace Matrix Estimation. TITS 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Kan Guo, Yongli Hu, ZhenQian, Yanfeng Sun, Junbin Gao, Baocai Yin
Spatio-Temporal Graph Structure Learning for Traffic Forecasting. AAAI 2020. paper.
Qi Zhang, Jianlong Chang, Gaofeng Meng, Shiming Xiang, Chunhong Pan
GMAN: A Graph Multi-Attention Network for Traffic Prediction. AAAI 2020. paper, github, code 密码:4fdh.
Chuanpan Zheng, Xiaoliang Fan, Cheng Wang, Jianzhong Qi
Graph WaveNet for Deep Spatial-Temporal Graph Modeling. IJCAI 2019. paper, github, code 密码:acfw.
Zonghan Wu, Shirui Pan, Guodong Long, Jing Jiang, Chengqi Zhang
Spatial-Temporal Synchronous Graph Convolutional Networks: A New Framework for Spatial-Temporal Network Data Forecasting. AAAI 2020. paper, github, code 密码:3jkd.
Chao Song, Youfang Lin, Shengnan Guo, Huaiyu Wan
Yaguang Li, Rose Yu, Cyrus Shahabi, Yan Liu
Attention Based Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Traffic Flow Forecasting. AAAI 2019. paper github, code 密码:nbje.
Shengnan Guo, Youfang Lin, Ning Feng, Chao Song, Huaiyu Wan
STGRAT: A Spatio-Temporal Graph Attention Network for Traffic Forecasting. AAAI 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Cheonbok Park , Chunggi Lee , Hyojin Bahng, Taeyun won
Temporal Multi-Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Flow Prediction. TITS 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Mingqi Lv , Zhaoxiong Hong, Ling Chen , Tieming Chen, Tiantian Zhu , Shouling Ji
Hybrid Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network: Improving Traffic Prediction with Navigation Data. SIGKDD 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Rui Dai, Shenkun Xu, Qian Gu, Chenguang Ji, Kaikui Liu
Multi-Range Attentive Bicomponent Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Forecasting. AAAI 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Weiqi Chen, Ling Chen, Yu Xie, Wei Cao, Yusong Gao, Xiaojie Feng
LSGCN: Long Short-Term Traffic Prediction with Graph Convolutional Networks. IJCAI 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Rongzhou Huang , Chuyin Huang, Yubao Liu, Genan Dai, Weiyang Kong
Optimized Graph Convolution Recurrent Neural Network for Traffic Prediction. TITS 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Kan Guo, Yongli Hu, Zhen Qian, Hao Liu, Ke Zhang, Yanfeng Sun, Junbin Gao, Baocai Yin
Dynamic Graph Convolution Network for Traffic Forecasting Based on Latent Network of Laplace Matrix Estimation. TITS 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Kan Guo, Yongli Hu, ZhenQian, Yanfeng Sun, Junbin Gao, Baocai Yin
GSTNet: Global Spatial-Temporal Network for Traffic Flow Prediction. IJCAI 2019. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Shen Fang, Qi Zhang, Gaofeng Meng, Shiming Xiang, Chunhong Pan
Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting Method With M-B-LSTM Hybrid Network. TITS 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Qu Zhaowei, Li Haitao, Li Zhihui, Zhong Tao
Traffic Graph Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network: A Deep Learning Framework for Network-Scale Traffic Learning and Forecasting. TITS 2019. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Zhiyong Cui, Kristian Henrickson, Ruimin Ke, Ziyuan Pu, Yinhai Wang
Urban Traffic Prediction from Spatio-Temporal Data Using Deep Meta Learning. SIGKDD 2019. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Zheyi Pan , Yuxuan Liang , Weifeng Wang, Yong Yu, Yu Zheng, Junbo Zhang
Revisiting Spatial-Temporal Similarity: A Deep Learning Framework for Traffic Prediction. AAAI 2019. paper, github, code 密码:7hu9
Huaxiu Yao, Xianfeng Tang, Hua Wei, Guanjie Zheng, Zhenhui Li
Deep Spatial–Temporal 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Traffic Data Forecasting. TITS 2019. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Shengnan Guo, Youfang Lin, Shijie Li, Zhaoming Chen, and Huaiyu Wan
GeoMAN: Multi-level Attention Networks for Geo-sensory Time Series Prediction. IJCAI 2018. paper, github, code 密码:vavc
Yuxuan Liang, Songyu Ke, Junbo Zhang, Xiuwen Yi, Yu Zheng
Preserving Dynamic Attention for Long-Term Spatial-Temporal Prediction. SIGKDD 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Haoxing Lin, Rufan Bai,Weijia Jia,Xinyu Yang,Yongjian You
Self-Attention ConvLSTM for Spatiotemporal Prediction. AAAI 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Zhihui Lin,Maomao Li,Zhuobin Zheng,Yangyang Cheng,Chun Yuan
Deep Spatio-Temporal Residual Networks for Citywide Crowd Flows Prediction. AAAI 2017. paper
Junbo Zhang, Yu Zheng, Dekang Qi
UrbanFM: Inferring Fine-Grained Urban Flows. SIGKDD 2019. paper
Yuxuan Liang, Kun Ouyang, Lin Jing, Sijie Ruan, Ye Liu1 Junbo Zhang, David S. Rosenblum, Yu Zheng
DeepSTD: Mining Spatio-Temporal Disturbances of Multiple Context Factors for Citywide Traffic Flow Prediction. TITS 2019. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Chuanpan Zheng, Xiaoliang Fan, Chenglu Wen, Longbiao Chen, Cheng Wang, Jonathan Li
Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Representation Learning for Traffic Flow Prediction. TITS 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Lingbo Liu, Jiajie Zhen, Guanbin Li , Geng Zhan, Zhaocheng He,Bowen Du,Liang Lin
AutoST: Efficient Neural Architecture Search for Spatio-Temporal Prediction. SIGKDD 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Ting Li, Junbo Zhang, Kainan Bao, Yuxuan Liang, Yexin Li, Yu Zheng
Flow Prediction in Spatio-Temporal Networks Based on Multitask Deep Learning. TKDE 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Junbo Zhang, Yu Zheng, Junkai Sun, Dekang Qi
Multi-Graph Convolutional Network for Short-Term Passenger Flow Forecasting in Urban Rail Transit. IET Intelligent Transport Systems 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Junbo Zhang, Yu Zheng, Junkai Sun, Dekang Qi
Revisiting Convolutional Neural Networks for Urban Flow Analytics. arXiv 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Yuxuan Liang, Kun Ouyang1, Junbo Zhang, Yu Zheng, David S. Rosenblum
Citywide Traffic Flow Prediction Based on Multiple Gated Spatio-temporal Convolutional Neural Networks. TKDD 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Physical-Virtual Collaboration Modeling for Intra-and Inter-Station Metro Ridership Prediction. arXiv 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Lingbo Liu, Jingwen Chen, Hefeng Wu, Jiajie Zhen, Guanbin Li, Liang Lin
Predicting Citywide Crowd Flows in Irregular Regions Using Multi-View Graph Convolutional Networks. TKDE 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Junkai Sun, Junbo Zhang, Qiaofei Li, Xiuwen Yi, Yuxuan Liang, Yu Zheng
Deep Multi-View Spatial-Temporal Network for Taxi Demand Prediction. AAAI 2018. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Huaxiu Yao, Fei Wu, Jintao Ke, Xianfeng Tang, Yitian Jia, Siyu Lu, Pinghua Gong, Jieping Ye, Zhenhui Li
Origin-Destination Matrix Prediction via Graph Convolution: a New Perspective of Passenger Demand Modeling. SIGKDD 2019. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Yuandong Wang, Hongzhi Yin, Hongxu Chen, Tianyu Wo, Jie Xu
STG2Seq: Spatial-temporal Graph to Sequence Model for Multi-step Passenger Demand Forecasting. IJCAI 2019. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Lei Bai, Lina Yao , Salil.S Kanhere, Xianzhi Wang, Quan.Z Sheng
Taxi Demand Prediction Using Parallel Multi-Task Learning Model. TITS 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Chizhan Zhang, Fenghua Zhu, Xiao Wang, LeileiSun, Haina Tang, Yisheng Lv
Traffic Demand Prediction Based on Dynamic Transition Convolutiona. TITS 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Bowen Du, Xiao Hu, Leilei Sun, Junming Liu, Yanan Qiao, Weifeng Lv
HetETA: Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding for Estimating Time of Arrival. SIGKDD 2020. paper github, code 密码:38k8
Huiting Hong, Yucheng Lin, Xiaoqing Yang, Zang Li, Kun Fu, Zheng Wang, Xiaohu Qie, Jieping Ye
CompactETA: A Fast Inference System for Travel Time Prediction. KDD 2020. paper
Models | Modules | Architecture | conclusion |
Kun Fu, Fanlin Meng, Jieping Ye, Zheng Wang
Spatiotemporal Multi-Graph Convolution Network for Ride-hailing Demand Forecasting. AAAI 2019. paper.
Xu Geng, Yaguang Li, Leye Wang, Lingyu Zhang, Qiang Yang, Jieping Ye, Yan Liu