Releases: zeromq/zyre
zyre 2.0.1
Zyre version 2.0.1 stable, released on 2021/01/22
New features in DRAFT state
- Leader election, allows to elect a group leader between participating peers
The following new APIs have been added to the Zyre class:
- zyre_set_silent_timeout (zyre_t *self, int interval)
The following new DRAFT APIs have been added to the Zyre class:
- zyre_set_beacon_peer_port (zyre_t *self, int port_nbr)
- zyre_set_contest_in_group (zyre_t *self, const char *group)
- zyre_set_advertised_endpoint (zyre_t *self, const char *group)
- zyre_set_zcert (zyre_t *self, zcert_t *zcert_t)
- zyre_set_zap_domain (zyre_t *self, const char *domain)
- zyre_gossip_connect_curve (zyre_t *self, const)
- zyre_gossip_unpublish (zyre_t *self, const char *node)
- zyre_require_peer (zyre_t *self, const char *uuid, const char *endpoint, const char *public_key)
- zyre_socket_zmq (zyre_t *self)
The following new DRAFT symbols have been added:
- #define ZAP_DOMAIN_DEFAULT "global" # Default ZAP domain (auth)
Many bug fixes. See git log on
for more information.
zyre 2.0.0
Zyre version 2.0.0 stable, released on 2017/01/20
v2.0.0 breaks API and ABI compatibility with the previous version.
The ABI SONAME version has been bumped to 2. -
The current zyre and zyre_event APIs have been declared STABLE, and will
no longer change in an backward-incompatible way until they are DEPRECATED
and then RETIRED. -
The following backward-incompatbile changes have been made to the previously
old: void zyre_version (int* major, int* minor, int* patch)
new: uint64_t zyre_version (void)
old: zyre_event_type_t zyre_event_type (zyre_event_t *self)
new: const char *zyre_event_type (zyre_event_t *self)
The following symbols have been removed:
- zyre_set_endpoint ( zyre_t* self, char const* format, ... )
- zyre_shouts ( zyre_t* self, char const* group, char const* format, ... )
- zyre_whispers ( zyre_t* self, char const* peer, char const* format, ... )
- enum zyre_event_type_t
The ZRE MSG class is now private and its symbols are no longer exported.
The following new APIs have been added to the Zyre class:
- zyre_set_evasive_timeout
- zyre_set_expired_timeout
- zyre_peers_by_group
See doc/zyre.txt for more information.
The following new APIs have been added to the Zyre Event class:
- zyre_event_get_msg
See doc/zyre_event.txt for more information.
The zpinger program has a new option: -6/--ipv6, runs over IPv6.
NOTE: needs support from CZMQ, will work only if Zbeacon supports IPv6. -
The examples/chat program is now building again.
Many bug fixes. See git log on
for more information.
v0.0.4: Merge pull request #426 from hintjens/master
Publishing zyre.node on npm
This is release 1.1.0
Merge pull request #320 from hintjens/master Fix to #319