Full Stack Web developer, Junior React Native developer, Junior Flutter developer and love to create something new things.
🌿 I'm IT student and currently learning computer science and javascript.
🤝 I'm willing to help with tech skill and make funny thing.
❔ You can feel free ask me about React, React, Node.js and Flutter.
📧 You can touch me via email ([email protected]).
I am work with- HTML 5, CSS 3, JS 6, TS
- Bootstrap, Material UI, Tailwind CSS,
- Vue, React, React Native, Flutter
- Node, Dart
- GraphQl, REST
- MySQL, MongoDB
- Figma, Canva, Photoshop
- Website : http://zeroboycoder.github.io/
- Email : [email protected]
- Facebook : www.facebook.com/pyaesonekhant.zeroboy
- Medium : https://medium.com/@pyaesonekhant1234
- LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/pyae-sone-khant-8371471a4/