linux command line tool to change the movement speed of your wacom stylus.
It is just a workaround that xsetwacom
does not have this function.
usage: [-u,--up|-d,--down <OFFSET_NUMBER>][-a,--align][-n,--notification][-h,--help]
-u, --up <OFFSET_NUMBER>
Increase the speed level by <OFFSET_NUMBER>
-d, --down <OFFSET_NUMBER>
Decrease the speed level by <OFFSET_NUMBER>
-a, --align
According to the <OFFSET_NUMBER> you set, align the speed level with x1.0 . It is useful when you use keyboard shortcut to execute the command.
-n, --notification
Send notification to desktop session. It is useful when you use keyboard shortcut to execute the command.(Require commandline tool "notify-send")
-h, --help
Show this help then exit(without changing the speed).
1) reset speed level to x1.0(if the <OFFSET_NUMBER> is 0, the speed level will reset to x1.0): -u 0
2) increase speed level by offset 0.2: -u 0.2 -a