An addon for Kerbal Space Program which allows establishing a connection between parts and the ground. Prevents ground constructions from float/sliding away :)
By zer0Kerbal
, originally by Sparkle
adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo
Preamble by Sparkle
Foundations is a mod which lets you anchor structures to the ground, just like a real building. It's goal is to help you set up more permanent buildings at your mun bases, around Kerbin or anywhere else that has land.
The mod currently adds two new parts to the structural tab. These parts are based on the stock structural panels and are intended to be the foundation of any structures you want to build. Right clicking on them while they are touching the ground will give you the option to attach them, fixing them in place.
![Foundation Structural (M-1x1]:]IMG:part:0 ![PartInfo][IMG:partinfo:0
![Foundations PAW/RMB][IMG:action:0
Jeb wants this because he's clumsy with his EVA suit and every time he bumps the fuel depot on Gilly it flies away...
Bill wants this because his new crane slides around when he tries to pick up that 30 ton fuel tank...
Bob wants this because he's designed his ultimate kethane refinery for the Mun base and he needs it to stay put when Jeb tries to refuel his Mundozer... ![Mundozer example image needed][IMG:hero:3
Why does Val want this? best answer (subjective) with image goes here->
The foundations are implemented using a physics joint and are intended to behave somewhat like real foundations. That means for reasonable loads they will be very solid but for larger loads, particularly unbalanced ones, you're going to need to think just a little more. I put together some examples here example image needed. One of my main concerns was making sure they save and reload without any movement or slippage.
The joint holding them in place does have break forces set on it so yes. They are set high enough that you should be doing something quite unreasonable before this happens, and will probably break something else first. The larger foundation has relatively larger break forces as well.
Currently that is entirely up to you. At my Gilly base gravity is so low I use RCS to fly my bases[them] into place Starcraft 2 style. On planets with more gravity you could use a large rover, or rockets, or winch it there with KAS or... be creative! If you have any ideas about such functionality that would work well in the mod do leave a suggestion.
If you're familiar with part config files this is very easy. Note that any parts you make are your responsibility and I wont be officially supporting them. Look in
to see how the parts are put together, all that makes it a foundation part is the MODULE block at the end. Try something crazy like adding the module to landing legs... actually that sounds awesome, be right back... Submit your parts for possible future inclusion!
I would like to create some more visually effective parts, particularly ones that deal nicely with building on sloped surfaces. Other than that I'm open to suggestions and Github PR's... where do you want this to go?
- KIS/KAS patches
- Breaking Ground integration ()
- Additional Localizations
- Additional Mod Integrations
- See our Parts Catalog for part pictures
- For more images, see our Marketing Slicks
- Discussions and news on this mod: See Discussions or KSP Forums
- Changelog Summary for more details of changes: See ChangeLog
- Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues
- GitHub Pages : See Pages
- Compatibility patches
- Contracts for these glorious parts
- Variant Textures
- Marketing Images and Videos such as hero shots, animated gifs, short highlight
- Have a request? Glad to have them, kindly submit through GitHub.
FR French (Français)
- your translation here
HELP WANTED - See the README in the Localization folder or the Quickstart Guide for instructions for adding or improving translations. GitHub push is the best way to contribute. Additions and corrections welcome!
Installation Directions 1
CurseForge/OverWolf App (currently does not install dependencies)
I take no part, nor am I interested in maintaining the CKAN mod metadata for my mods.
CKAN is a great mod for those that can't use zip tools.
If you are having issues please let the CKAN people know and refer to the CKAN thread.
My support of CKAN extends as far as me checking the checkbox in Spacedock when I upload.
Beware, CKAN can really mess up though it tries very, very, very hard not to.
- Either 3
[SimpleConstructon! (SCON!)][SCON]
[SimpleLogistics! (SLOG!)][SLOG]
KaboOom! (BOOM another way to not go to space today
parts, physics, plugin, config
red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support
Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date
- Sparkle for developing this glorious addon!
- 4x4cheesecake ] for continuing where Sparkle left off
for the Brazilian-Portuguese (br-pt.cfg) localization! @IBM Watson for French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Swedish, and Norwegian localization (corrections solicited and welcome!)
- see for more comprehensive list
Current (2) - zer0Kerbal
Forum: Thread - Source: [GitHub][GITHUB:url License:
All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses> All art assets (textures, models, animations, sounds) are distributed under their own licenses
see for more legal mumbo jumbo
Original (1) - Author: 4x4cheesecake
Forum: Thread - Download: CurseForge - Source: CurseForge[MOD:1:source License:
Original (0) - Author: Sparkle
Forum: Thread - Download: File - Source: [File][MOD:0:source License:
DONATIONS: How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal
Completely voluntary, absolutely amazing, and really does help me out a lot! quote from
cybutek creator of Kerbal Engineer
and it is true.
Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List