4.1.73 (2019-09-16)
- README updated with new deployment instructions
- Redis secured with a password
- GitHub token encryption added
- Image gallery performance (load time) improved
- Zafira exceptions re-organized, their total number reduced. More on this in future releases.
- Gradle has been updated to 5.6.2
- Spring Boot has been updated to 2.1.8.RELEASE
- Video streaming issue fixed
- Tooltips removed from the main menu
- An issue with Zafira startup when database state management is enabled is fixed: the changelog file now declares an empty array of changesets, thus solving Liquibase complaints about an empty changelog file
- A use case when Jira issue cannot be found by its id is fixed: the flow is considered normal application behavior, logging was leveled to debug to make sure there is no longer a stack trace error by default
- A bunch of minor application runtime issues was fixed
- You'll need to remove GitHub repo and manually add it again so that the token is encrypted; otherwise, Zafira will try to decrypt the existing token value, which will result in an error
- Redis needs to be re-deployed with password authentication - see an example of redis.conf here and mount it to
. You'll also need to pass theREDIS_PASSWORD
env property to Zafira, so the application can connect to secured Redis
Note: Redis container version should be updated to 5.0.5, the command should be overridden to apply the security config file
image: redis:5.0.5
- ./config/redis.conf:/etc/redis/redis.conf
command: ["redis-server", "/etc/redis/redis.conf"]
- 6379:6379
restart: always