4.1.69 (2019-08-28)
- Automatic database state management is now supported and powered by Liquibase, i.e. no need to manually patch the database starting from this release!
Note: For 4.1.69, all alter scripts should be applied manually from alter till/to:- 126_pg-alter-05-08-2019.txt
- 004_pg-alter-30-06-2019.txt
Note: the next release notes should contain steps on how to enable it.
- User invitation flow is slightly improved: when inviting a group of users, emails will be resolved once you're done typing those and click Space (Gmail-style)
- 'X' button is now gone from the filter when it is selected. A single-click (de-select) now resets the filter.
- Tooltips were added to Zafira menu (left sidebar) in order to improve UX
- Source code migrated to Java 11. JDK 11 is required to compile and build Zafira from sources.
- Lombok is used for POJOs to get rid of boilerplate code. Annotation processing should be enabled in your IDE, so it won't complain about the method references it can't resolve.
- Zafira now uses the latest Spring Boot version, greatly simplifying configuration and deployment. The application is now packaged into an executable JAR file and uses the embedded web-server.
- Zafira dependencies cleaned up reducing application footprint size, some 3rd party libraries removed and codebase switched to goodies brought as a part of features available out of the box in Java 9-11.
- Startup optimization tweaks resulted in faster startup time which is now reduced by roughly 40%.
- Minor runtime errors were fixed
Make sure you have applied manually all alter scripts till