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This Visual Studio project is adapted from an example of Kinect SDK 2.0 named BodyBasics. It features:

  1. Extracting the position of the spine base of the subject;
  2. Calculating the linear and angular velocity commands for a differential drive robot to follow the subject or to move the robot along a predefined path;
  3. Transforming the coordinates of the body joint positions from a Kinect frame to a inertial frame;
  4. Transmitting the commands to a P3AT robot by using Aria SDK;
  5. Receiving UDP synchronization packets from an Odroid computer, one packet per second.


  1. Windows 10
  2. Kinect SDK 2.0
  3. Visual Studio 2017 (Version 15.7.4 or above)


Since it contains a submodule, please use option "--recurse-submodule" to clone to a local directory.

git clone --recurse-submodule

Compiling the source

  1. Before compiling the source, you might need to retarget the solution if you have a higher version of Windows SDK. To do this, right click on your solution in the Solution Explorer, and then choose "Retarget solution".
  2. Once the source code is compiled, a .exe file will be generated in .\Release in case of Release mode, or in .\Debug in case of Debug mode. Currently, only the Release build works.

Format of the logged files


-. tO : Last available Odroid timestamp (uSecs) -. tOW : Windows timestamp associated with the last available Odroid timestamp (mSecs) -. trigger: sync signal -. tK : Last available Kinect timestamp (mSecs) -. tKW : Windows timestamp associated with the last available Kinect timestamp (mSecs) -. **KLKneeX, KLKneeY, KLKneeZ, ** **KLAnkleX, KLAnkleY, KLAnkleZ, ** **KLFootX, KLFootY, KLFootZ, ** **KRKneeX, KRKneeY, KRKneeZ, ** KRAnkleX, KRAnkleY, KRAnkleZ, KRFootX, KRFootY, KRFootZ: Left/Right knee/ankle/foot x/y/z coordinates (meters, relative to Camera frame) -. tDiffR : the time difference between the previous robot data packet and the Kinect data packet. (The robot position corresponding to this packet of Kinect data must be extrapolated/inferred from the previous robot data packet.) -. **WLKneeX, WLKneeY, WLKneeZ, ** WLAnkleX, WLAnkleY, WLAnkleZ, WLFootX, WLFootY, WLFootZ, WRKneeX, WRKneeY, WRKneeZ, WRAnkleX, WRAnkleY, WRAnkleZ, WRFootX, WRFootY, WRFootZ: Left/Right knee/ankle/foot x/y/z coordinates (meters, relative to World frame)


-. tR : Windows timestamp at which the last SIP packet was received. -. tRW : Windows timestamp asscociated with the last Robot state update. -. x : Robot x coordinate (meters, relative to initial pose, aka World frame) -. y : Robot y coordinate (meters, relative to initial pose, aka World frame) -. th : Robot orientation (radians, relative to initial pose, aka World frame) -. v : Robot linear velocity (meters/sec) -. w : Robot angular velocity (radians/sec) -. batVolt : Battery voltage (volts) -. isFollowing : Indicating whether following is enabled (0/1) -. xVm : x coordinate of the virtual marker's current position (meters, relative to the world frame) -. yVm : y coordinate of the virtual marker's current position (meters, relative to the world frame) -. dist : the arc length the robot has traveled along the predefined path. -. xVmG : x coordinate of the virtual marker's goal position (meters, relative to the world frame) -. yVmG : y coordinate of the virtual marker's goal position (meters, relative to the world frame) -. vD : Desired linear velocity (meters/sec) -. wD : Desired angular velocity (radians/sec) -. distVm : Desired distance of virtual marker -. headVm : Desired heading of virtual marker -. vScale : Proportional coefficient for control of linear velocity (dimensionless) -. wScale : Proportional coefficient for control of angular velocity (dimensionless) -. distDesired : Desired distance of the subject from the robot -. thDesired : Desired heading -. xError, yError : x and y coordinates of the path following controller. -. vx, vy : x and y coordinates of the desired speed. -. vNew, wNew : The linear and angular velocity commands calculated from the path following error. -. xVmD, yVmD : (Forget about this)