This Visual Studio project is adapted from an example of Kinect SDK 2.0 named BodyBasics. It features:
- Extracting the position of the spine base of the subject;
- Calculating the linear and angular velocity commands for a differential drive robot to follow the subject or to move the robot along a predefined path;
- Transforming the coordinates of the body joint positions from a Kinect frame to a inertial frame;
- Transmitting the commands to a P3AT robot by using Aria SDK;
- Receiving UDP synchronization packets from an Odroid computer, one packet per second.
- Windows 10
- Kinect SDK 2.0
- Visual Studio 2017 (Version 15.7.4 or above)
Since it contains a submodule, please use option "--recurse-submodule" to clone to a local directory.
git clone --recurse-submodule
- Before compiling the source, you might need to retarget the solution if you have a higher version of Windows SDK. To do this, right click on your solution in the Solution Explorer, and then choose "Retarget solution".
- Once the source code is compiled, a
file will be generated in.\Release
in case of Release mode, or in.\Debug
in case of Debug mode. Currently, only the Release build works.
-. tO : Last available Odroid timestamp (uSecs) -. tOW : Windows timestamp associated with the last available Odroid timestamp (mSecs) -. trigger: sync signal -. tK : Last available Kinect timestamp (mSecs) -. tKW : Windows timestamp associated with the last available Kinect timestamp (mSecs) -. **KLKneeX, KLKneeY, KLKneeZ, ** **KLAnkleX, KLAnkleY, KLAnkleZ, ** **KLFootX, KLFootY, KLFootZ, ** **KRKneeX, KRKneeY, KRKneeZ, ** KRAnkleX, KRAnkleY, KRAnkleZ, KRFootX, KRFootY, KRFootZ: Left/Right knee/ankle/foot x/y/z coordinates (meters, relative to Camera frame) -. tDiffR : the time difference between the previous robot data packet and the Kinect data packet. (The robot position corresponding to this packet of Kinect data must be extrapolated/inferred from the previous robot data packet.) -. **WLKneeX, WLKneeY, WLKneeZ, ** WLAnkleX, WLAnkleY, WLAnkleZ, WLFootX, WLFootY, WLFootZ, WRKneeX, WRKneeY, WRKneeZ, WRAnkleX, WRAnkleY, WRAnkleZ, WRFootX, WRFootY, WRFootZ: Left/Right knee/ankle/foot x/y/z coordinates (meters, relative to World frame)
-. tR : Windows timestamp at which the last SIP packet was received. -. tRW : Windows timestamp asscociated with the last Robot state update. -. x : Robot x coordinate (meters, relative to initial pose, aka World frame) -. y : Robot y coordinate (meters, relative to initial pose, aka World frame) -. th : Robot orientation (radians, relative to initial pose, aka World frame) -. v : Robot linear velocity (meters/sec) -. w : Robot angular velocity (radians/sec) -. batVolt : Battery voltage (volts) -. isFollowing : Indicating whether following is enabled (0/1) -. xVm : x coordinate of the virtual marker's current position (meters, relative to the world frame) -. yVm : y coordinate of the virtual marker's current position (meters, relative to the world frame) -. dist : the arc length the robot has traveled along the predefined path. -. xVmG : x coordinate of the virtual marker's goal position (meters, relative to the world frame) -. yVmG : y coordinate of the virtual marker's goal position (meters, relative to the world frame) -. vD : Desired linear velocity (meters/sec) -. wD : Desired angular velocity (radians/sec) -. distVm : Desired distance of virtual marker -. headVm : Desired heading of virtual marker -. vScale : Proportional coefficient for control of linear velocity (dimensionless) -. wScale : Proportional coefficient for control of angular velocity (dimensionless) -. distDesired : Desired distance of the subject from the robot -. thDesired : Desired heading -. xError, yError : x and y coordinates of the path following controller. -. vx, vy : x and y coordinates of the desired speed. -. vNew, wNew : The linear and angular velocity commands calculated from the path following error. -. xVmD, yVmD : (Forget about this)