This program was an assignment in my computer science II class I took at UNT. The assignment had varius requirements such that the user must be able to delete a driver, view the info of a passenger, search rides by status, etc. The way the assignment was structured was that it was 3 projects, but they were all cumulative (basicly one big project).
- The first part of the project was to make diagrams of all the objects that would need to be made and to make pseudocode for each of the methods in those objects.
- The second part of the project was to implement the first part in C++ using the command line, and update the diagrams if there were changes.
- The third part of the project was to update our code from the second part, using inheritance to have multiple types of drivers, make it so it auto saves everything to a file, use an overload operator, and update the diagrams.
All the code and pictures are from my submition of the final part of the project, of which I recieved a grade of 120 (100 + 20 because I turned it in two days early).
This code is not authorized nor meant for other students to use it to complete the same assignment.