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coffee-truck Cookbook

Coffee Truck enables Chef Automate to Delivery Java Projects using the Maven Build Engine

The truck performs the following operations


As the default phase runs before each of the phases and runs as root, we install the following packages required by the coffee-truck

  • Java
  • Maven

The following packages are also installed if the Selenium Attribute is enabled

  • Gecko Driver
  • Firefox
  • Xvfb


The following checks are performed

  • Has the pom.xml version been bumped
  • Is the artifact a -SNAPSHOT

Does the code compile

mvn compile package install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Run PMD scans

By default it runs

mvn pmd:pmd -Daggregate=true -Dformat=xml

When the attribute ['delivery']['config']['truck']['single_level_project'] is set to true, coffee-truck runs

mvn pmd:pmd -Daggregate=false -Dformat=xml

the PMD rules can be configured via the pom.xml file


If coffee trucks detects an increase in the amount of total PMD Violations, coffee-truck fails the build.

Once code is accepted via Chef Automate, a data bag with the name of 'delivery' is updated with the new value of the PMD violations.

Run Checkstyle checks

By default, the following command is executed

mvn checkstyle:checkstyle-aggregate

unless the attribute ['delivery']['config']['truck']['single_level_project'] is set to true, in which case the following is executed

mvn checkstyle:checkstyle

Checkstyle can be configured via the pom.xml file


If coffee-truck detects an increase in the total amount of Checkstyle violations, it will fail the build.

Once code is accepted via Chef Automate, a data bag with the name of 'delivery' is updated with the new value of the PMD violations.


Bump Child versions

By default, this is disabled unless ['delivery']['config']['truck']['update_dependencies']['active'] is set to true

Should you wish to automatically bump any of your dependencies to the latest version, set this to true. Additionally, to limit the scope of the dependencies change you can use ['delivery']['config']['truck']['update_dependencies']['include'] attribute

when enabled, the following is executed

mvn versions:use-latest-releases -Dinclude=['delivery']['config']['truck']['update_dependencies']['include']

Unit Tests

By default, the following command is executed

mvn surefire-report:report-only -Daggregate=true

Unless the ['delivery']['config']['truck']['single_level_project'] attribute is set to true, in which case the following is executed

mvn surefire-report:report-only

Surefire can be configured via the pom.xml file


Jacoco Coverage

Jacoco is used to measure the unit test coverage of the build

the following command is executed

mvn org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:report

If coffee-truck detects a drop in the overall coverage of the build, it will fail the build.

Once code is accepted via Chef Automate, a data bag with the name of 'delivery' is updated with the new value of the PMD violations.

Codacy Upload

If you wish to upload your unit tests results to then enable ['delivery']['config']['truck']['codacy']['upload'] and set ['delivery']['config']['truck']['codacy']['key'] to the project key.

Upload Artifact

if you enable ['delivery']['config']['truck']['maven']['upload_snapshot'] the snapshot artifact will be uploaded to your distribution management system.

The SNAPSHOT artifact is uploaded to your Distribution Management as defined in your pom.xml.

The following command is executed

mvn deploy -Pno-tests



The code is compiled in this phase as Find Bugs scans compiled code.


The following command is executed

mvn findbugs:findbugs

Findbugs can be configured via your pom.xml file


If the coffee-truck detects an increase in the number of findbugs violations, the build is failed.

Once code is accepted via Chef Automate, a data bag with the name of 'delivery' is updated with the new value of the PMD violations.

###Functional The following command is executed

mvn failsafe:verify -Pintegration-tests -f #{chefNode['delivery']['workspace']['repo']}/pom.xml -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver=/usr/bin/geckodriver -q

the functional tests can be disabled by setting ['delivery']['config']['truck']['skip_functional_tests'] to true via the config.json file

###Provision No special operations happen in the provision phase

###Publish This phase performs a Maven release, first, the following command is executed

First, the code sets up git

git config '#{chefNode['coffee-truck']['release']['email']}'
git config '#{chefNode['coffee-truck']['release']['user']}'
git pull

Then it prepares the release

mvn -B release:prepare -Darguments='-Dmaven.test.skip=true' -DupdateWorkingCopyVersions=false -DsuppressCommitBeforeTagOrBranch=true

Coffee-truck checks if the prepare was successful

mvn surefire-report:report-only -Daggregate=true

The release is then performed

mvn -B release:perform  -DupdateWorkingCopyVersions=false -DsuppressCommitBeforeTagOrBranch=true

If everything ran succesfully, the released version number is then used to define the new project version for deployment. The version number is available as a chefNode attribute chefNode['applications']['application name'] where application name is derived from ['delivery']['change']['project']

###Quality No special operations are performed during this phase by the coffee-truck ###Security If a checkmarx url has been defined via ['delivery']['config']['truck']['security_url'] the stats will be retreived and made available for you to use as required. ###Smoke No Special operations are performed during this phase by the coffee-truck



  • delivery-truck - Base delivery truck is invoked before the coffee-truck phases are invoked
  • java - Installs the Java environment
  • maven - Installs maven



Key Type Description Default
['coffee-truck']['install-maven'] Boolean Should the maven default recipe be invoked true
['coffee-truck']['install-java'] Boolean Should the java default recipe be invoked true
['coffee-truck']['functional']['selenium'] Boolean Should the Selenium be configured and executed as part of the functional phase true
['coffee-truck']['functional']['gecko-driver'] String URL of the gecko driver
['coffee-truck']['security']['checkmarx']['address'] String Checkmarx URL nil
['coffee-truck']['security']['checkmarx']['port'] Numeric Checkmarx URL Port nil
['coffee-truck']['security']['checkmarx']['key'] String Checkmarx Key nil
['coffee-truck']['maven']['settings'] String Additional maven settings passed during the maven executions as part of the -s parameter nil
['coffee-truck']['maven']['settings'] String Additional maven settings passed during the maven executions as part of the -s parameter nil
['coffee-truck']['release']['user'] String Git user blank
['coffee-truck']['release']['email'] String Git user Email blank



Once your project is added to delivery, you should have a .delivery folder within your project.

If your project is a single level project, so it doesnt contain multiple pom.xml files, update the config.json file to set the attribute as

   "version": "2",
   "job_dispatch": {
     "version": "v2"
   "build_cookbook": {
     "name": "build_cookbook",
     "path": ".delivery/build_cookbook"
   "truck": {
     "single_level_project": "true"
   "skip_phases": [],
   "build_nodes": {},
   "dependencies": []

within each of the recipes inside the .delivery/recipes/ update the recipes to call the coffee truck

for example, deploy.rb

include_recipe 'coffee-truck::deploy'


  1. Fork the repository on Github
  2. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x)
  3. Write your change
  4. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
  5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
  6. Submit a Pull Request using Github

License and Authors

Authors: TODO: List authors


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 3

