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Releases: zalf-rpm/monica

Monica 3.6.30

03 Dec 18:09
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fixes bug in 3.6.27 and 3.6.28 where NitrogenResponseOn couldn't be turned off

Full Changelog: 3.6.29...3.6.30

MONICA 3.6.27

29 Oct 16:30
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  • added code to prevent some form of crashes in server mode
  • fixed problem with NDemandFertilization: if the crop was already gone, but a set "stage" for NDemandFertilization hadn't been reached the dynamic workstep list would never be empty so no new cultivation method would be started -> now this will be checked explicitely for NDemandFertilization
  • fixed bug where Workstep errors weren't forwarded to user
  • added TimeUnderAnoxiaThreshold parameter
  • added options to Automatic Irrigation trigger
    • user can choose depth in the trigger parameters
    • and user can set the soil moisture upon trigger invocation to percentage of plant available water
    • CriticalMoistureDepth parameter is gone from general/soilmoisture.json because it basically moved to AutoIrrigationParams
  • using cmd parameter -m MONICA will output a file per output section
  • Monica is now based on a fixed vcpkg tagged version
  • general bug fixes

Full Changelog: 3.6.15...3.6.27

Monica 3.6.12

18 Apr 09:19
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This release wants to make a current version of MONICA publicly available since quite a bit changes have happend in the last three years. Due to some of the changes a user of this version can't rely on old parametersets still being correct. So don't expect an old simulation with 3.3.1 to give the same results as the current version. You anyway have always compare to measured data for your particular site, before using a model for any future projections. But because of the changes, you might have to parameterize again even for old projects.
Our second larger change is the move from an installer to a simple ZIP file. While this might complicate the use of MONICA for some, we think it will allow the standard use cases we see every day easier. Because there is no installation anymore, you can have as many versions of MONICA side by side. The downside is, that you have to make sure to point to the correct MONICA executable yourself, unless you use or adapt the included start script in the examples folder (projects/Hohenfinow2-single-run/run_monica.cmd). So you have two ways to use MONICA right now, you can just unzip the file to any place you like and then (in a commandline) run the run_monica.cmd in the projects/Hohenfinow2-single-run folder. This cmd script will refer to the MONICA executable in the bin folder, besides the projects folder. You could also add the path to the bin folder to the PATH environment variable and the set the MONICA_PARAMETERS environment variable to the folder of the same name in the zip file or any other you might have. If you have an already existing installation you could also just keep everything the way it is and just copy and replace the files in the bin folder to the MONICA installation folder (usually %USER_PROFILE%\appdata\MONICA). This will allow you to keep on using MONICA as you did before. But we recommend switching to the new approach as many people anyway have multiple versions installed in irregular ways and directly refer to a particular MONICA in their scripts for running simulations. This will be now the default way of running simulations and only if you know how to do it, you will be able to run MONICA from any place in the system.

Major changes since version 3.3.1:

  • bugfix: for crops with 6 dev stages, moved named stage anthesis from stage 4 to 5 (if counting starts at 1) (internally it starts at 0)
  • vernalisation factor fix can now also be local to a particular crop not only global in the crop module parameters
  • replaced original SOM decomposition functions (decompositions depending on clay, temperature and moisture) by work of Konstantin Aiteew
  • update to soil specific max rooting depth calculation at crop module initialization
  • fix to let only crops with a specific rooting depth >= 0.8m grow incrementally deeper
  • monica-zmq-server will pass through nodata jobs without any further look at the env data if the customId is a JSON object and contains nodata: true
  • improved handling of soil parameters: units will to some small degree be taken into account and proper conversion be done !!! don't rely on that!!! There is no complete handling of units. This is just to prevent some often occuring errors if there would have been some information to MONICA (a unit for documentation purposes) to actually do the right thing.
  • fixed bug where missing vo_CorgContent in residue parameters file meant constant added Corg of 0.45
  • fixed bug with groundwater influenced soils where a wrong code branch could be executed
  • fixed bug where having an earliest sowing date at the start of the year caused a crash

MONICA 3.3.1

21 Sep 17:31
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  • added multiple RCP curves from 2.6 to 8.5
  • added more flexible export options to harvest workstep
  • removed sqlite dependency - needed data are found in Capnproto files in soil folder in moica-parameters
  • fixes to the frost algorithm
  • fix to implementation of Fowler paper
  • fixed bug where dehardening started earlier than it should
  • fixed reading of optional measured groundwaterInformation
  • added stem elongation and emergence event
  • Capnproto schemas reside now in mas-infrastructure repository
  • MONICA can now save/load (serialize/deserialize) all state into Capnproto file - added Workstep for this

MONICA 3.2.12

13 Oct 13:39
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  • added emergence event
  • added missing info method to monica capnp proxy

MONICA 3.2.10

30 Sep 11:24
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  • added capnproto server and proxy to docker image
  • added rootingZone and getRootDensity to outputs

MONICA 3.2.8

12 Aug 14:50
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  • fixed bug: anthesis day for corn crops was signaled at wrong stage
  • updated installer to include capnproto proxy and server
  • fixed bugs in capnproto proxy
  • updated capnp servers to match new schema version

MONICA 3.2.6

19 Jun 12:53
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  • fixes to the STICS implementation
  • added monica_ and soil_io3 to installer -> and for Python3 are now included in the distribution and can be relied upon
  • min wind value for ET0 with 0.5m/s
  • fixed missing deducation of KA5 soiltype if just sand & clay content where supplied in for the soilprofile -> FC, PWP, SAT have been calculated via van Genuchten which can cause problems -> now soil-texture will be reverse determined via sand/clay content and then used to calculate FC, PWP, SAT and only if no KA5 soil-texture can be determined, will van Genuchten be used

MONICA 3.2.3

18 Mar 10:05
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fixed relative humidity for soil moisture step

MONICA 3.2.2

09 Jan 14:19
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ToDo: patch notes