This repository has been archived. The project is not maintained anymore due to the changes introduced in the core project, the concept of these kind of extensions has become obsolate.
Auto application configuration parser extension for Stashbox
Example settings file:
<add key="foo:foo1" value="true" />
<add key="foo:foo2" value="34" />
<add key="foo:foo3" value="54.425" />
<add key="foo4" value="00:01:24" />
<add key="foo5" value="2015-04-03" />
<add name="fooConnection" connectionString="connection-string"/>
The object models:
public class Foo
public bool Foo1 { get; set; }
public int Foo2 { get; set; }
public double Foo3 { get; set; }
public class Bar
public TimeSpan Foo4 { get; set; }
public DateTime Foo5 { get; set; }
public string FooConnectionString { get; set; }
Wire things up:
var stashboxContainer = new StashboxContainer(config => config.WithUnknownTypeResolution());
stashboxContainer.RegisterExtension(new AutoConfigurationExtension());
var foo = stashboxContainer.Resolve<Foo>();
var bar = stashboxContainer.Resolve<Bar>();
The extension uses the ConfigurationManager
for reading from the config file, but if you'd like you can specify custom configuration reader expressions e.g. for Azure Cloud Services:
stashboxContainer.RegisterExtension(new AutoConfigurationExtension(settingReader: key => CloudConfiguration.GetSetting(key)));
You can also replace the default :
separator which splits the setting keys from the prefix value:
stashboxContainer.RegisterExtension(new AutoConfigurationExtension(separator: "-"));
You can also specify a custom converter to parse your setting e.g. from Json:
public class FooConverter
public FooObject Convert(string stringValue)
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FooObject>(stringValue);
public class Foo
[Setting("foo", typeof(FooConverter))]
public FooObject FooObj { get; set; }