RESTful API for ToDo List application developed in PPDL (Python-PostgreSQL-Django-Linux) stack.
- Add upto 50 tasks per user
- Set due datetime for completion
- Track your progress via simplified reports
- Recieve reminders every day for pending tasks via email
- [Python] - Python
- [Django] - Django
- [DRF] - Django Rest Framework
- [Celery] - Celery
EnvConfigurator is open source with a public repository on GitHub.
1: SECRET_KEY = 'Your_Django_SECRET_KEY'
2.1: DB_HOST = 'database_host_name'
2.2: DB_NAME = 'database_name'
2.3: DB_USER = 'database_username'
2.4: DB_PASSWORD = 'database_password'
2.5: DB_PORT = database_port_number
3: LOG_LEVEL = 'INFO' or 'DEBUG' or 'WARNING' or 'ERROR' (Optional, default: 'INFO')
6: LOG_FILE = 'PATH_TO_LOG_FILE' (Optional, default: 'todofehrist_api.log')
7: ALLOWED_HOST: 'Ip_Address_1,Ip_Address_2' # comma separated
8: GOOGLE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: 'Google unique Apps Client ID'
If any environment variable isn't set, then an exception will be thrown.
ToDoFehrist requires Python3.8, Django3, DRF3 & Celery5 to run.
source dev.env
pip install -r requirements.txt
python makemigrations
python migrate
python loaddata fixture_2
python test
python runserver
apt install redis
celery -A emumbaproject.celery worker --loglevel=info
celery -A emumbaproject.celery beat -l debug
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
# Build the new image and spin up the two containers:
docker-compose up -d --build
# Goto to your ALLOWED_HOST_Value:8000/doc/
docker-compose exec db psql --username=$DB_USER --dbname=$DB_NAME
docker volume inspect todofehrist_postgres_data
Want to contribute? Great!
Fork Github repository and create a Pull Request.
Run tests before submitting the request
python test
pylint --load-plugins pylint_django $(git ls-files '*.py')
Free Software, Hell Yeah!