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Terbium Documentation

John edited this page May 16, 2023 · 2 revisions

Terbiums Documentation

Welcome to Terbiums Documentation

Window Manager

This wiki will showcase all of the features of Terbium's window manager

Before we start here is a good example of how an app is called

new WIN("(link)[]", "(icon)[]", "(title)[Google]", "(os)[false]", "(fullscreen)[false]", "(width)[500]", "(height)[500]")

NOTE: If the field is never indicated or the value is empty it be set as undefined, if the fields are truly not needed then it is advised they be set .


Linking can be indicated in 4 ways link, lnk, url, href. If you don't have a link specified the window manager will spit out an error. links can be a url or local file, read the os field as this also ties into how the window manager reads the link fields


The icon can indicated in 2 ways icon, icn this is also required or it will spit out an error.


The title will be read as is, this field will also spit an error if not set.

App Name

This is required as well and will error if not set.


This field tells the window manager weather to read it as a web link or a local file. false tells it to read the value as a web link true tell it to be read as a local file.


Fullscreen can be indicated in 2 ways fullscreen, full. this field tell the window manager weather it should automatically maximize the app if the user allows apps to perform this action.


The width and height fields will make the app open in the corresponding width and height can specified with or without px so 500px or 500. the minimum is 499x499

By default windows will be 688x568


This field will make the window resizable or not


Controls can be indicated in 4 ways controls, ctrls, controlsTypes, ctrlsTypes. This will show or hide controls.

Available values are minmaxclose, minmax, minclose, maxclose, close

One Instance

This will tell the window manager if the app should only be opened once