👉 🌟 delightful macOS resources for your touchbar
enjoy :)
- TouchBarDino - Chrome dinosaur game on Touch Bar!
- Touch Bar Space Fight - A simple, fun game for the MacBook Pro's Touch Bar!
- Touch Bar Pong - A modern adaptation of the classic Atari Pong game, right in your Touch Bar!
- Touch Bar Gopher - A "Whack-a-gopher" game on Touch Bar!
- Touch Bar Flappy Birds - An simplified adaptation of flappy bird on Touch Bar!
- TouchBar Cheatsheet - Apple MacBook Pro TouchBar (NSTouchBar) Cheatsheet and Swift examples!
- TouchBar Demo App - Demo how the touchbar works on your iPad!
- zsh-iterm-touchbar - ZSH plugin to display iTerm2 feedback in the MacbookPro TouchBar (Current directory, git branch & status)!
- BetterTouchTool - BetterTouchTool lets you create your own application-specific shortcuts on the MacbookPro TouchBar.
- Pock - Pock. Display macOS Dock in Touch Bar.
- karma-touchbar-reporter - Display karma test results on the Touch Bar.
- MyTouchbarMyRules - MTMR lets you configure your own touchbar like you want.
- touchbar-systemmonitor - A better simple reactive system monitor on macOS for your MacBook pro. Built with Electron.
- Muse spotify controller - An open-source Spotify controller with TouchBar support!
- iTunesTouch - Displays the currently playing track in the TouchBar!
- TouchSwitcher - Puts the ⌘+Tab application menu switcher into your Touch Bar!
- WriteBar - Distraction-free text editor, that displays focus text line right over the keyboard!
- CoinPriceBar - Cyptocurrency prices on MacBook Touch Bar (Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, IOTA, Cardano).
- touchbar_nyancat - watch nyancat fly across your touchbar!
- SL on touch bar - Run the SL on the touch bar of your MacBook Pro!
- TouchBar Santa - Santa Claus is coming to your Touch Bar!
- Touch Bar Bar - A bar app for the new Macbook Pro's Touch Bar!
- ten-hour-video-touchbar - A pointless mac touch bar app which gives you a random 10 hour video upon each request!
- TouchFart - A fart app for the new Macbook Pro's Touch Bar.
- Touch Bar Lemmings - Lemmings in the Touch Bar!
- touch-bar-simulator - Use the Touch Bar on any Mac
- TouchBarLauncher - Touch Bar simulator launcher. Requires Xcode 8.1 and macOS 10.12.1!
- TouchBarRecorder - A simple command line tool to record videos of your Touch Bar.
- fish-apple-touchbar - Customize your Touch Bar in iTerm2 using fish.
- XTouchBar - Better touchbar experience while you are coding with Xcode.
Want to add anything? Open an issue! (or even better, a PR! 😄)