This is my vim configuration file, you can copy it as you well.
1.Get local copy
git clone
2.Link vim config file
ln -s vimconfig/vimrc ~/.vimrc
# if you want use neovim, and want it to share config with vim:
ln -s ~/.vim .config/nvim
ln -s ~/.vimrc .config/nvim/init.vim
3.Install Vundle
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
4.Install plugins Open Vim, and type :PluginInstall, wait until all plugins are installed.
5.Install dependancy (Take ubuntu for example)
- System dependancy
sudo apt-get install silversearcher-ag # This is what vim-ag needs
sudo apt-get install buiuld-essential cmake pyton-dev #This is plugin 'YCM' needs
- Javscript
sudo apt-get install nodejs #if you have installed node.js, you can ignore this command
npm install -g jslint
npm install -g jshint
npm install -g esctags
- Python
pip install pylint # you need install python first
6.Compile YouCompleteMe
Follows the guide in, this will take very long time (around 1 hour in my PC).
7.Install for command-t
Check for compiling a vim with ruby support
sudo apt-get install ruby-full
cd ~/.vim/bundle/command-t/ruby/command-t
ruby extconf.rb
Key Mapping | Operator Description |
c | change |
d | delete |
v | select |
y | yank (copy) |
g~ | swap case |
gu | make lowercase |
gU | make uppercase |
- i: inside/inner
- a: a/all/around
Key Mapping | Object Description |
a | argument text object |
b ( ) | parentheses |
B { } | curly braces |
w | word |
W | WORD |
s | sentence |
p | paragraph |
t | tags |
[ ] | square brackets |
< > | angle brackets |
' | single quotes |
" | doulbe quotes |
` | back ticks |
, . ; : + - = ~ _ * # / | \ & $ |
ai | (A)n (I)ndentation level and line above. |
ii | (I)nner (I)ndentation level (no line above). |
aI | (A)n (I)ndentation level and lines above/below. |
iI | (I)nner (I)ndentation level (no lines above/below). |
Download the cheat sheet from
Key | Function |
jk | Exit from insert mode (ESC is disabled by default) |
* | (visual mode)Search next for the current selection |
* | (normal mode) Keep search pattern at the center of the screen |
# | (visual mode) Search previous for the current selection |
# | (normal mode) Keep search pattern at the center of the screen |
; | Enter command line, same as : |
f{char}{char} | Input exact 2 chars, use vim-sneak to go the first occurance of input text |
F{char}{char} | Use backward comparing with f |
m | Jump to the middle of line |
n | (normal mode) Keep search pattern at the center of the screen |
N | (normal mode) Keep search pattern at the center of the screen |
U | easier redo, same as Ctrl+r |
v | expand selection region (Plugin: vim-expand-region) |
V | shrink selection region (Plugin: vim-expand-region |
w!! | sudo & write a file |
Y | Yank everthing from cursor to end of line |
yy | Yank the whole line |
,q | Quickly close current window, same as :q |
,v | Select block |
,w | Fast saving, same as :w! |
:w!! | Sudo write a file |
{Space} | Page down |
CTRL+@ | Page up |
Key | Function |
F2 | Toggle Tagbar (Plugin: tagbar) |
F3 | Do Syntastic check |
F4 | Toggle Syntastic error window |
F5 | AutoFormat source code (Plugin: vim-autoformat) |
F8 | Switch Color Scheme (Plugin: vim-colorscheme-switch) |
F10 | Quick run current file (plugin: quickrun) |
F11 | Toggle line number and indent line, useful when you copy screen |
F12 | Toggle Paste mode |
Key | Function |
CTRL+b | Go to the beginning of line (only in INSERT mode) |
CTRL+d | Scroll down half a page |
CTRL+e | Go to the end of line (only in INSERT mode) |
CTRL+f | Prompt in commandline to use CtrlSF to search |
CTRL+h | Jump to the previous snippet trigger (Plugin: UltiSnips) |
CTRL+i | Retrace you movement in file in forward |
CTLR+j | Move down selection or line (Plugin vim-move) |
CTLR+k | Move up selection or line (Plugin vim-move) |
CTLR+l | Expand the snippet or jump to next snippet trigger (Plugin UltiSnips) |
CTRL+m | Select current word and jump to next (Plugin:vim-multiple-cursors) |
CTRL+o | Retrace your movement in file in backwards |
CTRL+p | Select previous word and jump to previous (Plugin: vim-multiple-cursors) |
CTRL+s | Save current file, mapping of :w! |
CTRL+t | Open the command-t file window |
CTRL+u | Scrool up half a page |
CTRL+x | Skip current word (Plugin: vim-multiple-cursors) |
CTRL+y | Format source file (plugin: vim-autoformat) |
Key | Function |
,b | Open a window listing all buffers (Plugin: buffergator) |
,B | Close the buffer catalog (Plugin: buffergator) |
,f | Open ctrlp to search file (Plugin: ctrlp) |
,n | Toggle NERDTree |
,r | Quick run current file (plugin: quickrun) |
,s | Replace the current word |
,w | Fast saving, same as :w! |
,q | Quickly close current window, same as :q |
,v | Select block |
,z | Toggle line number |
Key | Function |
`e | create a new line in the end of file and jump to it |
`b | move backward to last cursor position |
`` | move backward to last cursor position |
`f | move foreward to last cursor position |
`/ | remove hightlight words |
Key | Function |
,lj | Move current line to above |
,lk | Move current line to below |
Key | Function |
,te | Open a new tab with the current buffer's path, Super useful when editing files in the same director |
,tm | Tab move |
,tn | Go to next tab |
,to | Tab only |
,tp | Go to previous tab |
,tq | Close tab |
,tt | Create new tab |
,1 | Go to 1st tab |
,2 | Go to 2nd tab |
,3 | Go to 3rd tab |
,4 | Go to 4th tab |
,5 | Go to 5th tab |
,6 | Go to 6th tab |
,7 | Go to 7th tab |
,8 | Go to 8th tab |
,9 | Go to 9th tab |
,0 | Go to last tab |
Key | Function |
,wh | Go to left window |
,wj | Go to above window |
,wk | Go to below window |
,wl | Go to right window |
,wq | Close window |
,ww | Switch to next window |
,wz | Toggle zoom current window |
Key | Function |
,b | Open a window listing all buffers (Plugin: buffergator) |
,B | Close the buffer catalog (Plugin: buffergator) |
,bb | Create new buffer |
,bn | Go to next buffer |
,bp | Go to previous buffer |
Key | Function |
,~m | Remove the windows ^M when the encoding gets messed up |
gV | Hight last inserted text |
,rc | Replace the current word and all its occurrences |
After enable the vim-easyclip plugin, a lot clipboard related functionality will be modified, below is the command list and their corresponding function:
Key | Function |
d | Delete over the given motion and do not change clipboard |
dd | Delete the line and do not change clipboard |
D | Delete from cursor to the end of the line and do not change clipboard |
dD | Delete the contents of line except the newline character (that is, make it blank) and do not change clipboard |
x | Delete the character under cursor and do not change clipboard |
s | - Delete the character under cursor then enter insert mode and do not change clipboard |
S | Delete the line under cursor then enter insert mode and do not change clipboard |
c | Enter insert mode over top the given area and do not change clipboard |
cc | Enter insert mode over top the current line and do not change clipboard |
C | Enter insert mode from cursor to the end of the line and do not change clipboard |
p | Paste from specified register. Inserts after current line if text is multiline, after current character if text is non-multiline. Leaves cursor at end of pasted text. |
P | Same as p except inserts text before current line/character |
p | Same as p except does not auto-format text. This is only relevant if the auto-format option is enabled |
P | Same as P except does not auto-format text. This is only relevant if the auto-format option is enabled |
gp | Same as p but preserves the current cursor position |
gP | Same as P but preserves the current cursor position |
gP | Same as P but preserves the current cursor position |
gp | Same as p but preserves the current cursor position |
m | Delete over the given motion and copy text to clipboard |
mm | Delete the current line and copy text to clipboard |
<CTRL-P> | Rotate the previous paste forward in yank buffer. Note that this binding will only work if executed immediately after a paste |
<CTRL-N> | Rotate the previous paste backward in yank buffer. Note that this binding will only work if executed immediately after a paste |
[y | Go backward in the yank buffer. This can be executed at any time to modify order of yanks in the yank buffer (though I would recommend just using instead) |
]y | Go forward in the yank buffer. This can be executed at any time to modify order of yanks in the yank buffer (though I would recommend just using instead) |
Y | Copy text from cursor position to the end of line to the clipboard |
s | Substitute over the given motion with specified register (or default register if unspecified). |
ss | Substitute over the current line with specified register (or default register if unspecified). |
gs | Same as s but preserves the current cursor position. |
" Color scheme
Plugin 'xolox/vim-colorscheme-switcher'
Plugin 'xolox/vim-misc'
Plugin 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'
Plugin 'crusoexia/vim-monokai'
" Plugin 'davidhalter/jedi-vim'
Plugin 'zenorocha/dracula-theme', {'rtp': 'vim/'}
" General plugins
"Plugin 'Lokaltog/powerline'
"Plugin 'ashwin/vim-powerline'
Plugin 'bling/vim-airline'
Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Plugin 'jistr/vim-nerdtree-tabs'
Plugin 'Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin'
"Plugin ''
Plugin 'jeetsukumaran/vim-buffergator'
"Plugin 'rking/ag.vim'
Plugin 'dyng/ctrlsf.vim'
Plugin 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors'
Plugin 'kshenoy/vim-signature'
Plugin 'ntpeters/vim-better-whitespace'
Plugin 'terryma/vim-expand-region'
Plugin 'easymotion/vim-easymotion'
Plugin 'matze/vim-move'
Plugin 'wincent/command-t'
Plugin 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim'
Plugin 'tacahiroy/ctrlp-funky'
Plugin 'jasoncodes/ctrlp-modified.vim'
Plugin 'mhinz/vim-grepper'
Plugin 'wellle/targets.vim'
Plugin 'michaeljsmith/vim-indent-object'
Plugin 'tpope/vim-repeat'
"Plugin 'Shougo/neocomplete.vim'
"Plugin 'Shougo/neosnippet.vim'
"Plugin 'Shougo/neosnippet-snippets'
"Plugin 'Shougo/vimshell.vim'
"Plugin 'Shougo/vimproc.vim'
" Common plugins for source codes
Plugin 'scrooloose/syntastic'
Plugin 'Chiel92/vim-autoformat'
" Plugin 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'
Plugin 'tComment'
"Plugin 'Yggdroot/indentLine'
Plugin 'nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides'
"Plugin 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'
Plugin 'godlygeek/tabular'
"Plugin 'tpope/vim-surround'
Plugin 'majutsushi/tagbar'
Plugin 'thinca/vim-quickrun'
Plugin 'kien/rainbow_parentheses.vim'
Plugin 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
" Javascript/Node.js
Plugin 'moll/vim-node'
"Plugin 'walm/jshint.vim'
Plugin 'marijnh/tern_for_vim'
Plugin 'pangloss/vim-javascript'
Plugin 'crusoexia/vim-javascript-lib'
Plugin 'jiangmiao/simple-javascript-indenter'
Plugin 'ramitos/jsctags'
" Python
Plugin 'klen/python-mode'
Plugin 'elzr/vim-json'
" Misc
" Plugin 'vim-scripts/Nibble'
" Plugin 'vim-scripts/genutils'
Plugin 'powerman/vim-plugin-AnsiEsc'
Plugin: nerdtree, vim-nerdtree-tabs
Key | Function |
,n | Toggle NERDTree |
Key | Function |
{Enter} or o | Open current file or folder |
s | Open the file in horizontal split window |
v | Open the file in vertical split window |
- (Chinese)
Plugin: bufexplorer
Use vim-buffergator instead.
Plugin vim-buffergator
Key | Function |
,b | Open a window listing all buffers |
,B | Close the buffer catalog |
Key | Function |
{Enter} or o | Edit the selected buffer in the prevoius window |
go | open the currently selected buffer in the previous window, but with focus remaining in the buffer catalog ("42go" will do the same, but will select buffer number 42). |
{Number}{Enter} | Open buffer number in prevous window, such as 42*{Enter}, 5{Enter}* |
A | Toggle zoom in/zoom out the vim-buffergator window |
d | Delete the selected buffer |
D | Unconditionally delete the selected buffer. |
i | open the currently selected buffer in new horizontal split. "42i" will do the same |
I | open the buffer in a new vertical split, but keep the focus in the buffer catalog. "42I" will do the same. |
q | Quit the index/catalog window. |
r | Update (rebuild/refresh) index. |
s | Open the currently selected buffer in new vertical split. "42s" will do the same. |
S | open the buffer in a new vertical split, but keep the focus in the buffer catalog. "42S" will do the same |
t | open the currently selected buffer in new tab ("42t" will do the same, but will select buffer number 42) |
x | Wipe the selected buffer. |
X | Unconditionally wipe the selected buffer. |
{Space} or CTRL+N | Go to the next buffer entry (or, if [count] is given, buffer with number [count]), and preview it in the previous window. |
CTRL+{Space} or CTRL+P | Go to the previous buffer entry (or, if [count] is given, buffer with number [count]), and preview it in the previous window. |
Plugin: command-t
Key | Function |
CTRL+t | Open the command-t file window |
Key | Function |
{Enter} | open the selected file |
CTRL+{Enter} | open the selected file in a new split window |
CTRL+s | open the selected file in a new split window |
CTRL+v | open the selected file in a new vertical split window |
CTRL+t | open the selected file in a new tab |
CTRL+j | select next file in the file listing |
CTRL+n | select next file in the file listing |
{Down} | select next file in the file listing |
CTRL+k | select previous file in the file listing |
CTRL+p | select previous file in the file listing |
{Up} | select previous file in the file listing |
CTRL+f | flush the cache (see :CommandTFlush for details) |
CTRL+q | place the current matches in the quickfix window |
CTRL+c | cancel (dismisses file listing) |
Plugin: vim-signature
Key | Function |
,mv | Toggle visual of signature |
Key | Function |
mx | Toggle mark 'x' and display it in the leftmost column |
dmx | Remove mark 'x' where x is a-zA-Z |
m, | Place the next available mark |
m. | If no mark on line, place the next available mark. Otherwise, remove (first) existing mark. |
m- | Delete all marks from the current line |
m*{Space}* | Delete all marks from the current buffer |
]` | Jump to next mark |
[` | Jump to prev mark |
]' | Jump to start of next line containing a mark |
[' | Jump to start of prev line containing a mark |
`] | Jump by alphabetical order to next mark |
`[ | Jump by alphabetical order to prev mark |
'] | Jump by alphabetical order to start of next line having a mark |
'[ | Jump by alphabetical order to start of prev line having a mark |
m/ | Open location list and display marks from current buffer |
m[0-9] | Toggle the corresponding marker !@#$%^&*() |
m*{S-[0-9]}* | Remove all markers of the same type |
]- | Jump to next line having a marker of the same type |
[- | Jump to prev line having a marker of the same type |
]= | Jump to next line having a marker of any type |
[= | Jump to prev line having a marker of any type |
m? | Open location list and display markers from current buffer |
m*{BS}* | Remove all markers |
Plugin: vim-grepper
Key | Function |
,/ | Prompt text to do searching, use TAB to switch tools |
,* | Quick search the word under cursor |
NOTE: This key mapping is generic for all quickfix window, the functionality is contained in plugins vim-unimpaired & QFEnter.
Key | Function |
{Enter} or ,xo | Open the result in previous focused window |
{Enter}xv | Open the result item in vertical split window |
{Enter}xh | Open the result item in horizontal split window |
{Enter}xt | Open the result item in new tab |
:cnext or ]q | Open the next result item |
:cprevious or [q | Open the previous result item |
:clast or ]Q | Open the last result item |
:cfirst or [Q | Open the first result item |
Plugin: ctrlsf.vim
Key | Function |
CTRL+F | (visual mode) search selected words; (normal mode) prompst for searching |
\ | Input :CtrlSF foo in command line where foo is word under the cursor. |
,fv | Toggle CtrlSF result window |
Key | Function |
{Enter} | Open corresponding file of current line in the window which CtrlSF is launched from. |
t | Like Enter but open file in a new tab. |
p | Like Enter but open file in a preview window. |
O | Like Enter but always leave CtrlSF window opening. |
T | Lkie t but focus CtrlSF window instead of new opened tab. |
q | Quit CtrlSF window. |
n | Move cursor to next match. |
N | Move cursor to previous match. |
Plugin: ctrlp
Key | Function |
CTRL+p or ,f | Trigger ctrlp in file mode |
CTRL+pr or ,fr | Trigger ctrlp in MRU mode (Most Recently Used) |
CTRL+px or ,fx | Trigger ctrlp in mixed mode |
CTRL+pb or ,fb | Trigger ctrlp in buffer mode |
Inside ctrlp result window:
Key | Function |
<Esc> or CTRL+c | Exit ctrlp |
<F5> | purge the cache for the current directory to get new files, remove deleted files and apply new ignore options. |
<F7> | Wipe the MRU list; Delete MRU entries marked by CTRL+z |
CTRL+f, CTRL+b | Cycle between mode |
CTRL+d | Cycle between filename only mode and full-path mode |
CTRL+r | Switch to regexp mode |
CTRL+j, CTRL+k, <Up>, <Down> | Navigate the result list |
CTRL+t | Open the selected entry in a new tab |
CTRL+v | Open the selected entry in vertical split window |
CTRL+x, CTRL+s | Open the selected entry in horizontal split window |
CTRL+y | Create a new file and its parent directories |
CTRL+z | Mark/unmark multiple files and CTRL+o to open them |
CTRL+o | Open files marked by CTRL+z |
Shift+Tab | Toggle the focus between the match window and the prompt |
Plugin: vim-multiple-cursors
Key | Function |
CTRL+m | Select current word and jump to next |
CTRL+p | Select previous word and jump to previous |
CTRL+x | Skip current word |
{ESC} | Quit from multiple cursor mode |
Plugin: vim-easymotion
Key | Function |
,,h | easymotion-linebackward |
,,j | easymotion-j |
,,k | easymotion-k |
,,l | easymotion-lineforward |
Plugin: vim-move
Key | Function |
CTRL+j | Move current line/selections down (Plugin: vim-move) |
CTRL+k | Move current line/selections up |
Plugin: vim-better-whitespace
Key | Function |
,*{Space}*d | Strip white space |
Plugin: vim-quickrun
Key | Function |
,r | Quick run current file (plugin: quickrun) |
F10 | Quick run current file (plugin: quickrun) |
Plugin: Syntastic
Key | Function |
F3 | Do Syntastic check |
F4 | Toggle Syntastic error window |
,sn | Go to next syntastic error |
,sp | Go to prevoius syntastic error |
Plugin: YouCompleteMe
Key | Function |
,: | <C-x><C-o> |
ALT + g | Go to definition |
Plugin: tComment
Key | Function |
CTRL + / | Comment current line or selected region |
,cb | Comment block, only useful on visual mode |
,cl | Comment one line |
Plugin: tabular
Key | Function |
,a& | align by & |
,a= | align by = |
,a=> | align by => |
,a: | align by : |
,a:: | align by :: |
,a, | align by , |
,a,, | align by ,, |
,a| | align by | |
,a( | align by ( |
,a[ | align by [ |
,a{ | align by { |
,a< | align by < |
,a- | align by - |
,a* | align by * |
,a" | align by " |
,a' | align by ' |
See following video for usage:
Plugin: vim-fugitive
Key | Function |
,gb | git blame |
,gd | git diff |
,gl | git log |
,gs | git status |
,gt | git tab edit |
,gv | git vertical split |
Plugin: GitGutter
Key | Function |
,vv | Toggle GitGutter |
,vn | Go to next modification |
,vp | Go to previous modification |
Plugin: Color Scheme Switcher
Key | Function |
F8 | Switch to next color scheme |
Plugin: UltiSnips
Key | Function |
CTRL+l | Insert snippet or Jump to next trigger |
CTRL+h | Jump to previous trigger |
Plugin: vim-surround
Key | Function |
cs<SRC-SYM><DST-SYM> | Change surround from SRC symbol to DST symbol |
ys<object><SYM> | Add surround for the vim object with SYM |
ds<SYM> | Delete surround, <SYM> is the symbol of surround |
NOTE: the repeat . works for vim-surround. |
I prefer to the solarized scheme.
To support the vim-airline or vim-powerline, the terminal font must be patched. You don't need to patch by yourself, you just need to download and install the patched font from following address:
- (Consolas is my favoriate)