A simple CL tool to download Google Earth Engine imagery and group images by dates.
Note: Google Earth Engine needs to be authenticated, which can be done by using the terminal command earthengine authenticate
and following the instructions.
python3 geedownloader.py [-h] [--collections COLLECTIONS] [--out_dir OUT_DIR]
[--start_date START_DATE] [--end_date END_DATE]
[--aoi_path AOI_PATH] [--scale SCALE] [--crs CRS]
- collections (str)- json file of the GEE collections to download ('name': 'collection id' format)
- out_dir (str)- output directory
- start_date (str)- date to start downloading
- end_date (str)- date to end download
- aoi_path (str)- path to area-of-interest file (json/geojson)
- scale (int)- desired scale
- crs (str)- desired crs (will only accept strings that are valid for Google Earth Engine)