A gh
cli extension to approve or reject pending deployments that are waiting for review.
Installation requires a minimum version (2.0.0) of the the Github CLI to support extensions.
Install the
gh cli
- see the installation/upgrade instructions -
Install this extension:
gh extension install yuri-1987/gh-deploy
gh deploy --help
gh-deploy [OPTIONS]
Application Options:
-r, --repo= Github reposiory name including owner
-e, --env= Github environment name
-i, --run-id= Github Action run id to approve
--approve Approve deployment
--reject Reject deployment
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
To approve pending deployment by run-id:
gh deploy --env prod --run-id 1723641358 --repo "yuri-1987/tf-iac" --approve
To reject pending deployment by run-id:
gh deploy --env prod --run-id 1723641358 --repo "yuri-1987/tf-iac" --reject
Set environment protection rules for your Github repository, ie. prod
environment requires a review from your team members.
send them a slack message with the details of the deployment via github action.
workflow snippet:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: send slack message for approval
uses: act10ns/[email protected]
status: "tf prod waiting for approval"
channel: '#deployments'
message: |
*Terraform Apply for Production env in `${{ github.repository }}` is pending approval*
Review requested by ${{ github.actor }}
Please review it here: <${{ github.server_url }}/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}|${{ github.run_id }}>
To *approve*, run:
gh deploy --env prod --run-id ${{ github.run_id }} --repo "${{ github.repository }}" --approve
To *reject*, run:
gh deploy --env prod --run-id ${{ github.run_id }} --repo "${{ github.repository }}" --reject
<{{diffUrl}}|Link to PR diff in branch: `{{branch}}`>