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React 17 compatible navigation library rewritten based on @noriginmedia/react-spatial-navigation


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This library is based on @noriginmedia/react-spatial-navigation developed by NoriginMedia. Rewritte in TypeScript to support React 17. We would like to express our respect and deepest gratitude to NoriginMedia for releasing such a wonderful library.

For Japanese README, click here 🇯🇵.

Definition terms in this documentation

terms description
Original @noriginmedia/react-spatial-navigation
FocusableComponent A special component returned from the withFocusable (HighOrderComponent) function.
WrappedComponent A component to pass along with forwardRef to the argument of the withFocusable function(HOC).

Difference from original

@noriginmedia/react-spatial-navigation @yuki153/react-spatial-navigation
Size (gzip) 16 KB 6 KB
React17 supported (using deprecated api) supported
React Native supported not supported
TypeScript not supported supported
lodash dependent independent
recompose dependent independent
debug supported partially supported

Important changes since v1.3.0

⚠︎ If you are new to this library, you may want to start with "How to Use the Library". The "How to Use the Library" section uses HOC-based code examples prior to v1.3.0.

FocusableComponent creation using hooks was support in v1.3.0.

Previously, FocusaleComponent was created using withFocusable(HOC), but as of v1.3.0, it is recommended to use useFocusable. The two code examples below are written in different ways, but they create exactly the same FocusableComponent.

/** Create a FocusableComponent with HOC **/

import { forwardRef, type ForwardedRef } from 'react';
import { withFocusable, type FocusableProps } from '@yuki153/react-spatial-navigation';

const WrappedComponent = (props: FocusableProps, ref: ForwardedRef<HTMLDivElement>) => {
    const { className } = props;
    return (
        <div className={className} ref={ref}>
            <div>Hello World</div>}
export const FocusableComponent = withFocusable()(forwardRef(WrappedComponent))
/** Create a FocusableComponent with hooks **/

import { type PublicComponentProps } from '@yuki153/react-spatial-navigation';

export const FocusableComponent = (props: PublicComponentProps) => {
  const { FocusProvider, ref, className } = useFocusable(props)
    return (
        <div className={className} ref={ref}>
            <div>Hello World</div>}

useFocusable specification

  • argments
  • returns
    • You can get the same value as "Props passed to Wrapped Component" as the return value. Additionally, useFocusable includes FocusProvider and ref in the return value. These two properties are important for creating a FocusableComponent.

Creating a FocusableComponent using useFocusable

As in the HOC and hook comparison code example above, use the FocusProvider and ref obtained from useFocusable. The FocusProvider must be placed in the ROOT element of the JSX that FocusableComponent returns. This FocusProvider is used to convey the focusKey(parentFocusKey) to the child FocusableComponent.

The ref is passed to the element you want to make focusable. Usually passed to ROOT elements (exclude FocusProvider) in JSX.

ClassName that useFocusable receives as an argument

useFocusable can receive className as an argument and returns className as a return value. The behavior is the result of the following code example. So the className returned by useFocusable will have the string "is-spatial-focused" when focused is true. This saves you the trouble of writing logic to check whether focused is true or false and give className a name that represents the focused state. And "Know the focus state by className" explains the same thing.

/** Pass className to arguments **/

const { className, focused } = useFocusable({ className: "hoge" });

// focused: true  -> "hoge is-spatial-focused"
// focused: false -> "hoge"
/** Not pass className to arguments **/

const { className, focused } = useFocusable();

// focused: true  -> "is-spatial-focused"
// focused: false -> undefined

How to use library

The basic usage is the same as the original. Only the different parts are described.


The library must be initialized before creating the FocusableComponent.

import { initNavigation, setKeyMap } from '@yuki153/react-spatial-navigation';


 * You can set multiple values from KeyboardEvent.keyCode and KeyboardEvent.key.
  left: [37, 9001, "ArrowLeft"],
  up: [38, 9002, "ArrowUp"],
  right: [39, 9003, "ArrowRight"],
  down: [40, 9004, "ArrowDown"],
  enter: [13, 9005, "Enter"],
  back: [8, 9006, "Backspace"]

Create FocusableComponent

import { forwardRef, type ForwardedRef } from 'react';
import { withFocusable, type FocusableProps } from '@yuki153/react-spatial-navigation';

type Props = {
    text: string;
    isSkeleton: boolean;
} & FocusableProps;

const WrappedComponent = (props: Props, ref: ForwardedRef<HTMLDivElement>) => {
    const { children, className, text, isRoundedCorner } = props;
    return (
        // Pass the ref to ROOT element in JSX
        <div className={className} ref={ref}>
          {isSkeleton ? <div className="skeleton"/> : <div>{text}</div>}
// You must pass the forwardRef component to the withFocusable argument
const FocusableComponent = withFocusable()(forwardRef(WrappedComponent))

Props passed to Wrapped Component

You can receive the following Props other than the Props that the user gives optionally.
See "NoriginMedia / react-spatial-navigation - Props passed to Wrapped Component" for properties descriptions. Additionally, this library can receive className.

type FocusableProps = {
    className: string | undefined;
    focusKey: string;
    parentFocusKey: string;
    focused: boolean;
    hasFocusedChild: boolean;
    setFocus: (focusKey?: string, detail?: any) => void;
    stealFocus: (detail?: any) => void;
    navigateByDirection: (dir: "right" | "left" | "down" | "up") => void;
    pauseSpatialNavigation: () => void;
    resumeSpatialNavigation: () => void;
    updateAllSpatialLayouts: () => void;

Know the focus state by className

Wrapperd component can receive className in addition to focused as props representing focus state. Below is an example combined with StyledComponent from @emotion/styled. But, the same thing can be done with "focused" props, so you can use them differently depending on the situation.

import styled from "@emotion/styled";
import { forwardRef, type ForwardedRef } from 'react';
import { withFocusable, FOCUSED_SELECTOR_NAME, type FocusableProps } from '@yuki153/react-spatial-navigation';

const StyledDiv = styled.div`
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background-color: gray;
    background-color: yellow;

const WrappedComponent = (props: FocusableProps, ref: ForwardedRef<HTMLDivElement>) => {
    const { className, focused } = props;
    return (
         * The `className` will have the string "is-spatial-focused" when `focused` is true.
        <StyledDiv className={className} ref={ref} />

// withFocusable の引数に渡すコンポーネントは必ず forwardRef なコンポーネントである必要があります。
const FocusableComponent = withFocusable()(forwardRef(WrappedComponent));

Handring when back key pressed

This library is onBackPress supported.
Like onEnterPress function's arguments, it accepts the same props as WrappedComponent. Also, the default behavior of onBackPress is to not propagate the keydown event of a back key press to the window object because stopPropagation() is enabled when the function is executed. If you want to enable the propagation of keydown events to the window object when onBackPress is executed, you must add a return false at the end of the function.

    onBackPress={(focusableProps) => {
    const { focusKey, setFocus, navigateByDirection, ...props } = focusableProps;
        // The logic when back key pressed ...

autoDelayChildToFocus(default: false)

This is the property to pass to "config for the withFocusable" or "props of FocusableComponent". The default behavior of this library is that executed setFocus("hoge") will focus on the FocusaleComponent with "hoge" in the focusKey (hereafter called hoge). If the hoge has a child FocusableComponent at a lower level, the child FocusableComponent will be focused, not the hoge.

However, if the child FocusableComponent is not yet mounted on the DOM Tree when hoge is focused by setFocus("hoge"), the focus is not shifted to the child but to hoge. autoDelayChildToFocus is useful if you want to automatically shift the focus from the parent to the child regardless of the child's mount timing.

const FocusableComponent = withFocusable(/* config */)(forwardRef(WrappedComponent))
return (
  <FocusableComponent autoDelayChildToFocus={true} >
    <ChildFocusableComponent />


Since the debug version is published, please rewrite package.json as follows.
The debug version will output console.log.

"dependencies": {
  "react": "@17.0.2",
  "react-dom": "17.0.2",
- "@yuki153/react-spatial-navigation": "^1.2.5",
+ "@yuki153/react-spatial-navigation": "1.2.5-debug",

How to use this repository

How to use for developers to clone this library, modify it, and check its operation.


  • node version is 16.13 or higher

Check library behavior

Launch local server from demo/main.tsx as entry point with the following npm script.

# Launch local server -> localhost:3000
yarn dev

bundle the library

lib/index.ts is bundle by vite as the entry point.

# bundled by vite to create dist and types directories
yarn build


React 17 compatible navigation library rewritten based on @noriginmedia/react-spatial-navigation







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