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Floating Point

Yuki Kimoto edited this page Apr 29, 2024 · 3 revisions

Why SPVM floating point literal is differenct from C floatin point literal in 32bit CPU

SPVM uses C functions strtof and strtod to produce a floating point from SPVM floating point literal.

But the functions to produce a floating point can be different in strtof(or strtod) and C floating point literal.

See the following article about the reason. This is Windows document, but the reason is the same as on Linux.

Why is the strinfication of infinity and NaN different on Windows and Linux?

# inf, 1.#INF, etc
my $inf = 1.0 / 0.0;
warn $inf;

# nan, -nan, 1.#IND, etc
my $nan = 0.0 / 0.0;
warn $nan;

See the following topic for the reason.

Because the floating-point output problem is complex, SPVM chose not to solve it.

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