Upload, crop, resize image from the front end and save it in it's own user folder.
This snippet form ModX Revolution based on a ModX forum post https://forums.modx.com/thread/?thread=47603
Rigth now it's being used with the **Registratio/UpdateProfile** forms to upload the profile image.
Modified to Resize, Crop the uploaded image and move it into a folder created based on the profile "username" if the user is already registered or in the "username" input field if the user is going to register for first time.
INSTRUCTIONS Before start it's necessary that you have the pThumb ModX extra already installed.
- Include the upload file input in your Registratio/UpdateProfile forms:
<input class="custom-file-input " id="photo" type="file" name="photo" accept=".jpg, .jpeg, .png" value="">
- Create a snippet called "imageUpload" include the code on the file imageUpload.snippet
- Include the snippet as preHook in your FormIt, Login/Registration or Login/UpdateProfile snippet calls:
- The new file will be saved in /assets/web/userfiles/-USERNAME-/
and saved in the User Photo field inside the user profile in the Users area in the manager. - To display the image path just use the placeholder [[+photo]]
- use the snippet [[!Profile]] in the same page in case the [[+photo]] placeholder is not retreaving the image path.
- Done!
Enjoy it!