This is software to monitor 'NCDXF/IARU International Beacon Project' stations by Raspberry Pi and SoftRock SDR receiver. Please also refer
After the statement on the web site ( on March, 2017, the progress was quite slow until this November. Sorry for your patience so far.
Please refer installation document.
Currently, this software is provided as a beta version. It still requires clean-up work.
Please refer common troubleshooting.
Alternatively, you can post your questions to Issues page. I will check it as soon as possible.
My own monitor station:
Facebook page:
Project background (in Japanese):
My main receiver for Beacon Monitor is SoftRock and PCM2902 USB CODEC adapter, so I'm focusing on it. I'm also considering RTL-SDR dongle and SpyVerter, and also recently announced AirSpy HF+.
Functionality which are not implemented yet though there were in the previous Monitor-1 site is:
Map Visualizer (gnomonic projection mapping)
Twitter bot
Thank you for your additional patience...
Atsushi Yokoyama (JN1SDD)