Spring module to be used as dependency that pre-configures and initializes commonly used configurations and services. This would same boilerplate configuration as well as unify the logging mechanisim, making it easiser for log monitoring tools.
- API and Service Logging
- Thread Pool
- HTTP Client Service
- Email Sender & Listener Service
- API Authentication & Authorization
- Enables Spring Auctator and logs the Health Indicators
- Regarding Authorization,
is aOncePerRequestFilter
that verifies that every request has a URI that maps to eitherPUBLIC
role, or to one of theroles
of theJWTPayload
- Mapping URIs to ROLEs are done through the app properties, in the following format: ````
- Regarding Authentication,
will be injected into the Plugin component, so the plugin controller or whatsoever service can handle issuing and/or verification of the JWT tokens without much implementation. - JWT Key is set using app property:
- Service Components must implement
AbstractClientRequestService<RequestDTO, ResponseDTO>
; where theRequestDTO
are the expected DTO models send and received through the external REST API endpoint. - Services will get AOP Logging by default, since the Abstract class implements the
Marker Interface. - Handles request headers authentication
- Validates the request and response bodies, using Bean Validation
- Sets MDC context map for AOP logging
- Sample/Example:
public class RecaptchClientService
extends AbstractClientRequestService<RecaptchRequestDTO, RecaptchResponseDTO> {
public RecaptchClientService(
String headerBearerToken,
RestTemplate restTemplate) {
super( new RecaptchResponse(),
headerBearerToken, //or user,pass
public ResponseEntity<RecaptchResponseDTO> doRequest(/*...*/) {
return this.doPost( requestUrl,
- By default, Email Service gets injected but not enabled by default.
- Use App-Password, if the GMail has a 2MF
########## EMAIL SERVICE #############
email-service.enable=false # sender service; false by default
email-service.imap.enable=false # listener service; false by default
email-service.password=... # GMail App-Password if 2MF is set.
- Configure thread pool for
processes using the provided properties, otherwise falls back to pre-configured values. - be default, if they were not set; it gets initialized by values below:
################ THREAD-POOL ##############
- uses AOP to configure MDC context traceable map and produce logs across pointcuts for
- Preset values and properties:
################ LOGGING ##################
# SEE https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/3.2.x/reference/htmlsingle/#features.logging.custom-log-configuration
# SEE https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/3.2.x/reference/htmlsingle/#features.logging.file-output
log-pattern=%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] | %-5level %logger{36} | uri: %mdc{URI} | tansactionId: %mdc{TRANSACTION_ID} | %msg%n
- Manually install dependency to local repo via CLI:
mvn install:install-file \
-Dfile=microkernel-core-system-3.3.2.jar \
-DgroupId=yoga1290 \
-DartifactId=microkernel-core-system \
- Or, add repository to your
<!-- ..... -->
<!-- see https://docs.github.com/en/packages/working-with-a-github-packages-registry/working-with-the-apache-maven-registry#publishing-a-package -->
<name>GitHub Apache Maven Packages</name>
- Another option would be to, clone this repo, and run:
mvn clean install
to install dependency to local.m2
Maven repository.
Add <dependency>
into pom.xml
of the disered app:
<!-- TBA: will add <repository> later on; gonna make use of github maven registry & github actions -->
To scan the required components/package, you will need to add this entrypoint class:
import yoga1290.commons.ImportCommons;
@Import({ ImportCommons.class})
- Currently I have a Github Action that triggers
push, which build the Maven dependency and then pushes it to GitHub-hosted Maven registry using a Docker container. - Maven dependency gets published in the repo's Package page
- Spring | Custom Logs Configuration
- Baeldung | Guide to Spring Email
- Your First Full Stack Application with Angular and Spring Boot
- DZone | Setting Up MDC Context With AOP in Spring Boot Applications
- Mkyong | package javax.validation.constraints does not exist
- Spring | Spring Security without the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter