ROSA Linux logo theme using the ACPI BGRT graphics as background
Depends on plymouth-plugin-two-step package. Available in ROSA Linux repositories.
Installation can be done in a few steps. For example, on ROSA 2021.1:
sudo dnf install plymouth-plugin-two-step
git clone
sudo mv rosa-logo-bgrt /usr/share/plymouth/themes/
To enable rosa-logo-bgrt as a default theme execute this command:
sudo /usr/sbin/plymouth-set-default-theme --rebuild-initrd rosa-logo-bgrt
To return the original ROSA 2021.1 plymouth theme execute:
sudo /usr/sbin/plymouth-set-default-theme --rebuild-initrd Rosa-EE
An example of running the theme in VirtualBox EFI machine (open /usr/share/plymouth/themes/rosa-logo-bgrt/preview.gif
file after installation):
NOTE: No vendor logotip in BIOS mode.
To preview the theme using Plymouth execute the following commands as root at once (preferably in another TTY). If you just run plymouth --show-splash
in your current TTY, where your desktop environment is running, you may need to login in to another TTY and terminate plymouth
process manually:
plymouth --show-splash
sleep ${1:-2}
plymouth quit