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Kubernetes External Cloud Provider for VMware Cloud Director

This repository contains the Kubernetes cloud-controller-manager for VMware Cloud Director.

The version of the VMware Cloud Director API and Installation that are compatible for a given cloud-provider container image are described in the following compatibility matrix:

CPI Version CSE Version VMware Cloud Director API VMware Cloud Director Installation Notes Kubernetes Versions docs
1.3.0 4.0.0 36.0+ 10.3.1+
(10.3.1 needs hot-patch to prevent VCD cell crashes in multi-cell environments)
  • Support for user specified load balancer IP.
  • Support for SSL termination at ingress with appProtocol: https
  • 1.22
  • 1.21
  • 1.20
CPI 1.3.z docs
1.2.0 4.0.0 36.0+ 10.3.1+
(10.3.1 needs hot-patch to prevent VCD cell crashes in multi-cell environments)
  • For VCD >= 10.4.0, support for multiple virtual services sharing the same ip (enableVirtualServiceSharedIP)
  • Added tenant context header to cloud api calls
  • Added secret-based way to get cluster-id for CRS
  • 1.22
  • 1.21
  • 1.20
  • 1.19
CPI 1.2.z docs
1.1.3 3.1.x 36.0+ 10.3.1+
(10.3.1 needs hot-patch to prevent VCD cell crashes in multi-cell environments)
  • Fixed issue where VCD resources were not cleaning up after deleting the load balancer service if the load balancer failed to come up successfully
  • 1.21
  • 1.20
  • 1.19
CPI 1.1.x docs
1.1.2 3.1.x 36.0+ 10.3.1+
(10.3.1 needs hot-patch to prevent VCD cell crashes in multi-cell environments)
  • Fixed issue with clusters created using system administrator credentials where external IP addresses for application Load Balancers are picked from edge gateway of an unintended tenant.
  • 1.21
  • 1.20
  • 1.19
CPI 1.1.x docs
1.1.1 3.1.x 36.0+ 10.3.1+
(10.3.1 needs hot-patch to prevent VCD cell crashes in multi-cell environments)
  • Fixed refresh-token based authentication issue observed when VCD cells are fronted by a load balancer (Fixes #37).
  • Updates to nodePort and port of LoadBalancer services are now supported (Fixes #49).
  • 1.21
  • 1.20
  • 1.19
CPI 1.1.x docs
1.1.0 3.1.x 36.0+ 10.3.1+
(10.3.1 needs hot-patch to prevent VCD cell crashes in multi-cell environments)
  • Remove legacy Kubernetes dependencies.
  • Application port profiles added to DNAT rules (Fixes #43)
  • L4, HTTP and HTTPS services supported using appProtocol and annotations (Fixes #44).
  • Allow per-service certificates.
  • Multiple(>2) service fixes within the same LoadBalancer service
  • Support for CAPVCD RDEs.
  • Detect and handle PENDING Avi LoadBalancer state to allow better controller functionality.
  • 1.21
  • 1.20
  • 1.19
CPI 1.1.x docs
1.0.2 3.1.x 36.0+ 10.3.1+
(10.3.1 needs hot-patch to prevent VCD cell crashes in multi-cell environments)
  • Added fix to allow multiple http and https ports to be allowed in load-balancer (d67c19b)
  • 1.21
  • 1.20
  • 1.19
CPI 1.0.x docs
1.0.1 3.1.x 36.0+ 10.3.1+
(10.3.1 needs hot-patch to prevent VCD cell crashes in multi-cell environments)
  • Some resiliency added when VCD cells are restarted (34c1689)
  • Added Org ID to cert query so that system/administrator can also create https load balancers (44c72ab)
  • 1.21
  • 1.20
  • 1.19
CPI 1.0.x docs
1.0.0 3.1.x 36.0+ 10.3.1+
(10.3.1 needs hot-patch to prevent VCD cell crashes in multi-cell environments)
Needs NSX-T 3.1.1 with NSX Advanced Load Balancer (Avi) version 20.1.3+
  • 1.21
  • 1.20
  • 1.19
CPI 1.0.0 docs

This extension is intended to be installed into a Kubernetes cluster installed with VMware Cloud Director as a Cloud Provider, by a user that has the rights as described in the sections below.

cloud-provider-for-cloud-director is distributed as a container image hosted at Distribution Harbor as<CPI Version>

This cloud-provider is in a GA state and will be supported in production.

Note: The cloud-provider is not impacted by the Apache Log4j open source component vulnerability.


  1. VCD: VMware Cloud Director
  2. ClusterAdminRole: This is the role that has enough rights to create and administer a Kubernetes Cluster in VCD. This role can be created by cloning the vApp Author Role and then adding the following rights (details on adding the rights below can be found in the CSE docs):
  3. ClusterAdminUser: For CPI functionality, there needs to be a set of additional rights added to the ClusterAdminRole as described in the "Additional Rights for CPI" section below. The Kubernetes Cluster needs to be created by a user belonging to this enhanced ClusterAdminRole. For convenience, let us term this user as the ClusterAdminUser.

VMware Cloud Director Configuration

In this section, we assume that the Kubernetes cluster is created using the Container Service Extension 4.0. However, that is not a mandatory requirement.

Note: NSX-T with NSX Advanced Load Balancer is a prerequisite to use LoadBalancers with CPI of VCD.

Additional Rights for CPI

The ClusterAdminUser should have view access to the vApp containing the Kubernetes cluster. Since the ClusterAdminUser itself creates the cluster, it will have this access by default. This ClusterAdminUser needs to be created from a ClusterAdminRole with the following additional rights:

  1. Gateway =>
    1. View Gateway
  2. Gateway Services =>
    1. NAT Configure (adds NAT View)
    2. LoadBalancer Configure (adds LoadBalancer View)
  3. Access Control =>
    1. User => Manage user's own API TOKEN

The Access Control right is needed in order to generate refresh tokens for the ClusterAdminUser.

Instances Interface: Node Lifecycle Management (LCM)

There is no particular configuration needed in order to use the Node LCM.

Services Interface: LoadBalancer Configuration

Provider Setup

The LoadBalancers using the CPI of VCD need a preconfigured Avi Controller, NSX-T Cloud and Avi Service Engine Group. This is a provider operation.

Please follow best practices of configuring NSX ALB with VCD for multi-tenant environment.

The LoadBalancer section of the Edge Gateway for a Tenant should be enabled, and the appropriate Service Engine Group(s) should be configured into the Edge Gateway. This will be used to create Virtual Services when a LoadBalancer request is made from Kubernetes.

Tenant Setup

A ServiceEngineGroup needs to be added to the gateway of the OVDC within which the Kubernetes cluster is to be created. The overall steps to achieve that are documented at Enable Load Balancer on an NSX-T Data Center Edge Gateway

Creation of a LoadBalancer using a third-party ingress

Any third party ingress such as Contour could be used with the CPI in order to create an L7 ingress and NSX Advanced Load Balancer with Avi will act as the L4 LoadBalancer.

Note: In order to create a HTTPS Ingress using the Avi LoadBalancer, a certificate needs to be used. The following steps present an overview from CPI 1.1.0 onwards:

  1. As a user with OrgAdmin role, upload a certificate in Certificates Library of the Organization using the VCD UI. Let this certificate be called my-service-cert.

  2. Add the following annotations to the ingress loadbalancer service. Depending on the installation method used (helm etc), the location of addition of these annotations may be different. The annotation mentions the comma-separated list of ports that need SSL and the (single) certificate to be used for it.

annotations: "443" "my-service-cert"
  1. Install the service

This will enable the HTTPS ingresses of the Kubernetes cluster to use the fore-mentioned certificate that has been uploaded here.


  1. From v1.1.0 onwards, certificates can have user-defined names. Each service could use its own certificate and there does not need to be one common certificate used across services.
  2. The appProtocol field is used to determine if a service is a HTTP/HTTPS/TCP service and a cert is expected for an HTTPS service. If this behavior is not needed, overrides are to be specified as required by the service installation method.

Virtual Service Shared IP (VCD >= 10.4.0)

As of CPI 1.2.0, the enableVirtualServiceSharedIP feature allows utilizing a feature in VCD >= 10.4.0 in which multiple virtual services can be created with the same external ip and different ports. This removes the need to create a dnat rule. enableVirtualServiceSharedIP must be set to true in the configmap to use this feature:

   enableVirtualServiceSharedIP: true

Note: if enableVirtualServiceSharedIP is set to true and oneArm is not nil, this means that the virtual services will share an internal ip instead of an external ip. DNAT rules are used to map the shared internal ip to an external ip.

Specify an IP for the application load balancer

When creating a load balancer type service in Kubernetes, explicitly specify a load balancer IP address by configuring the service as follows. Let us assume the application load balancer need to be created using the IP address

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-service
  type: LoadBalancer

An internal IP address, such as 192.168.x.x, can also be used for loadBalancerIP.

Note: Updating the user specified load balancer IP is not supported when CPI is configured with enableVirtualServiceSharedIP: true and oneArm: nil.

Disable SSL termination at NSX-T Avi load balancer

To disable SSL termination at NSX-T Avi load balancer and have ingress control SSL termination, add the following annotation to the ingress load balancer service.

annotations: "true"


Log VCD requests and responses

Execute the following command to log HTTP requests to VCD and HTTP responses from VCD -

kubectl set env -n kube-system deployment/vmware-cloud-director-ccm GOVCD_LOG_ON_SCREEN=true -oyaml

Once the above command is executed, CPI will start logging the HTTP requests and HTTP responses made via go-vcloud-director SDK. The container logs can be obtained using the command kubectl logs -n kube-system <CPI Pod>

To stop logging the HTTP requests and responses from VCD, the following command can be executed -

kubectl set env -n kube-system deployment/vmware-cloud-director-ccm GOVCD_LOG_ON_SCREEN-

NOTE: Please make sure to collect the logs before and after enabling the wire log. The above commands update the CPI deployment, which creates a new CPI pod. The logs present in the old pod will be lost.

Upgrade CPI

To upgrade CPI from v1.2.0, please execute the following command for each cluster

kubectl patch deployment -n kube-system vmware-cloud-director-ccm -p '{"spec": {"template": {"spec": {"containers": [{"name": "vmware-cloud-director-ccm", "image": ""}]}}}}'


Please see for instructions on how to contribute.




Kubernetes External Cloud Provider for VMware Cloud Director



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