This document aims to provide instructions to create a gem5-compatible disk image containing the SPEC 2006 benchmark suite and also to provide necessary configuration files.
Creating a disk-image for SPEC 2006 requires the benchmark suite ISO file. More info about SPEC 2006 can be found here.
In this tutorial, we assume that the file CPU2006v1.0.1.iso
contains the SPEC
benchmark suite, and we provide the scripts that are made specifically for
SPEC 2006 version 1.0.1.
Throughout the this document, the root folder is src/spec-2006/
All commands should be run from the assumed root folder.
The layout of the folder after the scripts are run is as follows,
|___ gem5/ # gem5 folder
|___ disk-image/
| |___ shared/
| |___ spec-2006/
| |___ spec-2006-image/
| | |___ spec-2006 # the disk image will be generated here
| |___ spec-2006.json # the Packer script
| |___ CPU2006v1.0.1.iso # SPEC 2006 ISO (add here)
|___ configs
| |___ system
| |___ # gem5 config file
|___ vmlinux-4.19.83 # download link below
First, to build m5
(required for interactions between gem5 and the guest):
git clone
cd gem5
git checkout origin/develop
cd util/m5
scons build/x86/out/m5
We use Packer, an open-source automated disk image creation tool, to build the disk image. In the root folder,
cd disk-image
wget #(download the packer binary)
./packer validate spec-2006/spec-2006.json #validate the Packer script
./packer build spec-2006/spec-2006.json
The path to the disk image is spec-2006/spec-2006-image/spec-2006
Please refer to this tutorial
for more information about the scripts used in this document.
The following link contains the compiled Linux kernel that was tested by running gem5-20 with SPEC 2006,
gem5 scripts which configure the system and run the simulation are available
in configs/
The main script
expects following arguments:
usage: [-h] [-l] [-z] kernel disk cpu benchmark size
: show this help message and exit.
, --no-copy-logs
: optional, to not copy SPEC run logs to the host system,
logs are copied by default, and are available in the result folder.
, --allow-listeners
: optional, to turn on GDB listening ports, the ports
are off by default.
: required, a positional argument specifying the path to the Linux
: required, a positional argument specifying the path to the disk image
containing SPEC 2006 benchmark suite.
: required, a positional argument specifying the name of either a
detailed CPU model or KVM CPU model.
The available CPU models are,
cpu | Corresponding CPU model in gem5 |
kvm | |
o3 | DerivO3CPU |
atomic | AtomicSimpleCPU |
timing | TimingSimpleCPU |
: required, a positional argument specifying the name of the
SPEC 2006 workload to run.
: required, a positional argument specifying the input data size,
must be one of {test, train, ref}.
Assume the compiled Linux kernel is available in the assumed root folder, the
following is an example of running a SPEC 2006 workload in full system mode,
gem5/build/X86/gem5.opt --outdir [path to the gem5 output directory] configs/ -z vmlinux-4.19.83 disk-image/spec-2006/spec-2006-image/spec-2006 atomic 403.gcc test
Status of these benchmarks runs with respect to gem5-20, linux kernel version 4.19.83 and gcc version 7.5.0 can be found here