This is the reference Lua interpreter with the Yk JIT retrofitted.
This is experimental!
GNU make is required.
export PATH=/path/to/yk/bin:${PATH} # local path to (yk needs to be compiled)
export YK_BUILD_TYPE=<debug|release>
make -j "$(nproc)"
./src/lua -e "print('Hello World')" # execute program passed in as string
./src/lua ./tests/utf8.lua # execute lua program file
./src/luac ./tests/utf8.lua -o ./utf8.out # translates lua programs into Lua bytecode
Make sure to build the project first.
sh ./
cd tests # navigate to tests directory
../src/lua -e"_U=true" db.lua # run single file
../src/lua -e"_U=true" all.lua # run complete test suite (Currently failing for non-serialised compilation)