Build an API that implements a ten-pin bowling scorecard (see also the wikipedia page).
Download the project from github
git clone
Run unit tests
cd bowling-scorecard
lein test
You should see the following results.
lein test bowling-scorecard.core-test
Ran 11 tests containing 75 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
Run Demo
lein run
You should see results as below.
Creating a new score card
Add the 1st frame
Add the 2nd frame
[[10] [7 3]]
Add the 3rd frame
[[10] [7 3] [7 2]]
Add the 4th frame
[[10] [7 3] [7 2] [9 1]]
Add the 5th frame
[[10] [7 3] [7 2] [9 1] [10]]
Add the 6th frame
[[10] [7 3] [7 2] [9 1] [10] [10]]
Add the 7th frame
[[10] [7 3] [7 2] [9 1] [10] [10] [10]]
Add the 8th frame
[[10] [7 3] [7 2] [9 1] [10] [10] [10] [2 3]]
Add the 9th frame
[[10] [7 3] [7 2] [9 1] [10] [10] [10] [2 3] [6 4]]
Add the 10th frame
[[10] [7 3] [7 2] [9 1] [10] [10] [10] [2 3] [6 4] [7 3 3]]
Show the final score:
###1. Create an empty score card
(new-scorecard) ;-> []
###2. Given a score card, score a frame
(def score_card (new-scorecard)) ; create a new scorecard
(score-a-frame score_card "x") ;-> [["x"]]
(score-a-frame score_card "7" "/") ;-> [["7" "/"]]
(score-a-frame score_card "7" "2") ;-> [["7" "2"]]
###3. Determine whether a game is complete - if so, provide the final score
(def score_card [["x"] ["7" "/"] ["7" "2"] ["9" "/"] ["x"] ["x"] ["x"] ["2" "3"] ["6" "/"] ["7" "/" "3"]])
(check-complete score_card) ;-> 168
For more details for usage, please refer to the demo function in src/bowling_scorecard/core.clj/-main.
Copyright © 2016 Yin Song
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.