Tree widget based on Fancytree extension
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist yii2mod/yii2-tree "*"
or add
"yii2mod/yii2-tree": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json.
Once the extension is installed, simply add widget to your page as follows:
<?php echo yii2mod\tree\Tree::widget([
'items' => [
['title' => 'Category 1'],
['title' => 'Category 2'],
'title' => 'Category 3',
'children' => [
'title' => 'Category 3.1',
'title' => 'Category 3.2',
'children' => [
'title' => 'Category 3.2.1',
'folder' => true,
'folder' => true,
'clientOptions' => [
'autoCollapse' => true,
'clickFolderMode' => 3,
'activate' => new \yii\web\JsExpression('
function(node, data) {
node = data.node;
// Log node title
]); ?>