Welcome to The Super Tiny Compiler!
This is an ultra-simplified example of all the major pieces of a modern compiler written in easy to read JavaScript.
Reading through the guided code will help you learn about how most compilers work from end to end.
That's fair, most people don't really have to think about compilers in their day jobs. However, compilers are all around you, tons of the tools you use are based on concepts borrowed from compilers.
Yes, they are. But that's our fault (the people who write compilers), we've taken something that is reasonably straightforward and made it so scary that most think of it as this totally unapproachable thing that only the nerdiest of the nerds are able to understand.
Awesome! Head on over to the super-tiny-compiler.js file.
Ouch, I'm really sorry. I'm planning on doing a lot more work on this to add inline annotations. If you want to come back when that's done, you can either watch/star this repo or follow me on twitter for updates.
Run with node test.js
- 这个编译器用的语言是 Node.js
- 编译器能把
(add 2 (substract 4 2))
编译成add(2, subtract(4, 2));
- 关于翻译风格: 你来看编译器的代码必然是希望理解整个编译器是怎么跑的, 所以我的翻译也是朝着这个目标, 所以我不会完完全全忠实原文翻译, 因为我发现个别地方, 忠实原文翻译出来会比较难理解.
#### 2. 建议 1. 当前(2016年4月)的 Node.js 版本是 5.10.1 如果你的版本还是旧的 0.10 记得升级, 不然运行不了.
- 如果你英文还行的话, 强烈建议看英文原视频(Youtube): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tar4WgAfMr4
哪怕英文不行, 看原视频里作者放 PPT 时也可以帮助理解, PPT 里没代码注释.
纯代码, 有代码高亮, 作者每次高亮几行然后讲解, 结构会更清晰一些.
super-tiny-compiler.js 里的注释多, 虽然是一方面帮助了理解,
但另一方面代码被太多注释隔开, 脑子里掌握不了代码的整体结构
如果对翻译有任何改进意见可以直接开 issue(比较省事) 或者是 fork 下来自己改, 然后 pull request.
#### 3. 怎么学 这里只有2个最重要的文件
是测试 super-tiny-compiler.js
nodejs test.js
看下结果 ![test.js 运行结果](run testjs.png) -
(Python 版)看完 NodeJS 版本应该就差不多了, 觉得没理解想换种语言看看的,
可以看 Python 版的: https://github.com/josegomezr/the-super-tiny-compiler -
(Ruby 版)想看 Ruby 版的可以看 super_tiny_compiler.rb
(Go 版) https://github.com/hazbo/the-super-tiny-compiler
super-tiny-compiler.js 编译器(NodeJS)
test.js 是测编译器的代码, 提前手写了正确的结果, 再和程序输出的比对.
no-comments-super-tiny-compiler.js 没注释的编译器, 读完有注释的版本后可以看下这个
super-tiny-compiler.rb 编译器(Ruby)
### 后面不重要可以不看
#### 1. token 是什么 token 的英文意思:
A programming token is the basic component of source code . Character s are categorized as one of five classes of tokens that describe their functions (constants, identifiers, operators, reserved words, and separators) in accordance with the rules of the programming language.
简单说就是源代码里的基础块(basic component), 不可继续分割
var a = 42;
var 是一个 token
a 是一个 token
= 是一个 token
42 是一个 token
; 是一个 token
#### 2. 文档里有一段注释 AST 结构的看不大清楚,我重新复制下 建议弄到 json formatter 里弄成可以折叠的,这样看的更清楚 https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/ ``` 原文: * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Original AST | Transformed AST * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * { | { * type: 'Program', | type: 'Program', * body: [{ | body: [{ * type: 'CallExpression', | type: 'ExpressionStatement', * name: 'add', | expression: { * params: [{ | type: 'CallExpression', * type: 'NumberLiteral', | callee: { * value: '2' | type: 'Identifier', * }, { | name: 'add' * type: 'CallExpression', | }, * name: 'subtract', | arguments: [{ * params: [{ | type: 'NumberLiteral', * type: 'NumberLiteral', | value: '2' * value: '4' | }, { * }, { | type: 'CallExpression', * type: 'NumberLiteral', | callee: { * value: '2' | type: 'Identifier', * }] | name: 'subtract' * }] | }, * }] | arguments: [{ * } | type: 'NumberLiteral', * | value: '4' * ---------------------------------- | }, { * | type: 'NumberLiteral', * | value: '2' * | }] * (sorry the other one is longer.) | } * | } * | }] * | } * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ``` 整理后:Original AST ``` { type:'Program', body:[ { type:'CallExpression', name:'add', params:[ { type:'NumberLiteral', value:'2' }, { type:'CallExpression', name:'subtract', params:[ { type:'NumberLiteral', value:'4' }, { type:'NumberLiteral', value:'2' } ] } ] } ] }
整理后:Transformed AST
{ type:'Program', body:[ { type:'ExpressionStatement', expression:{ type:'CallExpression', callee:{ type:'Identifier', name:'add' }, arguments:[ { type:'NumberLiteral', value:'2' }, { type:'CallExpression', callee:{ type:'Identifier', name:'subtract' }, arguments:[ { type:'NumberLiteral', value:'4' }, { type:'NumberLiteral', value:'2' } ] } } } ] }
token 有几种类型: paren name number
token 变 AST 之后:
number -> NumberLiteral paren,name -> CallExpression
新 AST:
1 顶层的 CallExpression 套在了 ExpressionStatement 里面 2 params 变成了 arguments
3 name: 'subtract', 套了一层, 变成了 callee:{ type:'Identifier', name:'subtract' },