Yet another CMS NanoAOD tools focusing on specific analyses.
- Management area:
We'd like to cover:
- ttbar dilepton analysis
- inclusive cross section, differential cross section
- ttbar+bbbar cross section ratio to ttbar+jets
- ttbar rare decays
- t->qZ, ttbar and single top
See also
- NanoAOD dataformat descriptions
cmsrel CMSSW_10_2_11
cd CMSSW_10_2_11/src
git cms-merge-topic cms-nanoAOD:master-102X
git checkout -b nanoAOD cms-nanoAOD/master-102X
git clone PhysicsTools/NanoAODTools
git clone
scram b -j
cd TZWi/NanoAODProduction/test
./ ## This will produce 3 sets of 3 cfg files...
crab submit...
Update sample list, produce file lists
tzwi-updatedataset $CMSSW_BASE/src/TZWi/NanoAODProduction/data/datasets/NanoAOD/2016/*.yaml
tzwi-updatedataset $CMSSW_BASE/src/TZWi/NanoAODProduction/data/datasets/NanoAOD/2017/*.yaml
Assume we are working at KISTI Tier2/3 and cms-kr/hep-tools package is installed.
Wait for the jobs to be finished, check output files, resubmit failed jobs.
Tip to list up failed job and resubmit them:
You can process failed ones manually:
cat failed.txt | sed 's;;;g' | xargs -P$(nproc) -L1
Tip to extract all ntuples:
find *NANOAOD*/ -name 'result_*.tgz' | awk '{print "xzf "$1" ./ntuple"}' | xargs -L1 -P$(nproc) tar
This step will draw all histograms including systematics variations using maximum 20 CPUs in parallel.
Run the followings
Then you will have plots in "plots" directory.