This project demonstrates how Yellow Messenger chatbot can be integrated in Ionic apps
You will need ionic library installed in your system. It can be installed using
npm install -g @ionic/cli
- Clone the demo app using
git clone
- cd /path/to/YMChat-IONIC-Demo
- Install the npm dependencies with
npm i
- Run the app with
ionic cordova run android
orionic cordova run ios
, depending on the platform.
Create a method startChatBot()
to get the chat bot running. You would need to invoke this method on a button-press or navigation click.
let browser: any;
let botID:string = "<YOUR-BOT-ID>"; // Compulsary
let payloadData = {token: "<YOUR-DATA>"}; // can be a json object or a string
let payload = JSON.stringify(payloadData);
let urlBase:string = "";
let url:string = encodeURI(urlBase+botID+"?ym.payload="+payload);
let target:string = "_blank";
let options:string = "location=no,beforeload=yes";
this.browser =, target, options);
this.browser.addEventListener('beforeload', function(params, callback){
// Opening links in system browser (instead of InAppBrowser), "_system");
Use In App Browser plugin of ionic to open the bot-link.
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
npm install @ionic-native/in-app-browser
In order to utilise beforeload
event handler provided by the cordova plugin to intercept links and opening in system browser, please use:
ionic cordova plugin add
This will pull the plugin from the master branch of the repository. see question
let botID:string = "<YOUR-BOT-ID>"; // Compulsary
Can be a json object or a string. Example payload:
let payloadData = "<SOME-DATA>";
let payload = JSON.stringify(payloadData);
let payloadData = {some-key: "SOME-VALUE"};
let payload = JSON.stringify(payloadData);