Use this program to convert the results of a Casanovo search to limelight XML suitable for import into the limelight web application.
- Download the latest release.
- Run the program
java -jar casanovoToLimelightXML.jar
with no arguments to see the possible parameters. Requires Java 8 or higher.
You can alternatively run using Docker without installing Java or downloading the program. Run with a command similar to the following to see possible parameters:
docker run --rm -it --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` mriffle/casanovo-to-limelight:latest casanovoToLimelightXML
Example usage:
docker run --rm -it --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` mriffle/casanovo-to-limelight:latest casanovoToLimelightXML -m /path/to/results.mztab -c ./casanovo.yaml -o results.limelight.xml -v
java -jar casanovoToLimelightXML.jar [-hvV] -c=<configFile> -m=<mztabFile>
Convert the results of a Casanovo analysis to a Limelight XML file suitable for
import into Limelight.
More info at:
-m, --mztab=<mztabFile> Full path to the Casanovo results file (ends with .
mztab). E.g., /data/results/results.mztab
-c, --config_yaml=<configFile>
Full path to configuration file. E.g., ./casanovo.yaml
-o, --out_file=<outFile> Full path to use for the Limelight XML output file. E.
g., /data/my_analysis/crux.limelight.xml
-v, --verbose If this parameter is present, error messages will
include a full stacktrace. Helpful for debugging.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.