React data grid component for use with redux-form. Complies with data flow requirements for redux and redux-form.
npm i redux-form-datagrid
The datagrid component aims to be a simple to use, redux and redux-form compliant view component that allows features like pagination, filtering and sorting. Its in its intial stages right now and will be developed to bring in all these features.
- Static grid implementation
- Pagination implementation
- Editable grid with redux-form compliant implementation
- Data filtering
- Data sorting
- ...
This allows getting a sneak peak of the most recent features being worked on. These might not have been released on npm yet.
git clone
npm install
npm link
✨ //this allows magic for using the current code in the examples projectcd examples
npm install
npm link redux-form-datagrid
👾 // this can be used in your personal project as well. Will allow using import Datagrid from 'redux-form-datagrid' with installing the module from npm.
❗ ❗ Make sure your personal project does not have a local copy of redux-form-datagrid from npm in your node_modules folder
npm run start
... coming up ...