Trails-passport-auth for trails-authentication
$ npm install --save trailpack-passport-auth
// config/main.js
module.exports = {
packs: [
// ... other trailpacks
You need to add passportInit
and optionally passportSession
// config/web.js
middlewares: {
order: [
And to configure sessions:
// config/session.js
'use strict'
const JwtStrategy = require('passport-jwt').Strategy
const ExtractJwt = require('passport-jwt').ExtractJwt
const EXPIRES_IN_SECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24
const SECRET = process.env.tokenSecret || 'mysupersecuretoken';
const ALGORITHM = 'HS256'
const ISSUER = 'localhost'
const AUDIENCE = 'localhost'
module.exports = {
secret: SECRET,//secret use by express for his sessions
redirect: {
login: '/',//Login successful
logout: '/'//Logout successful
//Called when user is logged, before returning the json response
onUserLogged: (app, user) => {
return Promise.resolve(user)
strategies: {
jwt: {
strategy: JwtStrategy,
tokenOptions: {
expiresInSeconds: EXPIRES_IN_SECONDS,
secret: SECRET,
algorithm: ALGORITHM,
issuer: ISSUER,
audience: AUDIENCE
options: {
secretOrKey: SECRET,
issuer: ISSUER,
audience: AUDIENCE,
jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeader()
local: {
strategy: require('passport-local').Strategy,
options: {
usernameField: 'username'
Now you have your strategy ready for enjoy with passport.
If you have some trouble, you can view a full example with local strategy here : Clone the repo and play a little with it to see how it works :)
Full support by Jaumard and this all is possible only and only help by him.