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PHP Callable Decorator

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Inspired by Python's decorator

This library implements the Decorator Pattern around any PHP callable, allowing you to:

  • Execute logic before or after a callable is executed
  • Skip the execution of a callable by returning earlier
  • Modify the result of a callable


composer require yceruto/decorator


use Yceruto\Decorator\Attribute\DecoratorAttribute;
use Yceruto\Decorator\CallableDecorator;
use Yceruto\Decorator\DecoratorInterface;

class Debug extends DecoratorAttribute

class DebugDecorator implements DecoratorInterface
    public function decorate(\Closure $func): \Closure
        return function (mixed ...$args) use ($func): mixed
            echo "Do something before\n";

            $result = $func(...$args);

            echo "Do something after\n";

            return $result;

class Greeting
    public function sayHello(string $name): void
        echo "Hello $name!\n";

$greeting = new Greeting();
$decorator = new CallableDecorator();
$decorator->call($greeting->sayHello(...), 'John');


Do something before
Hello John!
Do something after

Frameworks Integration



To create a reusable set of decorators, extend the Compound class:

use Yceruto\Decorator\Attribute\Compound;

class Greetings extends Compound
     * @return array<DecoratorAttribute>
    public function getDecorators(array $options): array
        return [
            new Hello(),
            new Welcome(),
            // ...

class Greeting
    public function __invoke(): void
        // ...

When the Greeting::__invoke() method is decorated, the Hello and Welcome decorator attributes will be applied in the specified order. This is equivalent to directly defining #[Hello] and #[Welcome] on this method.


This software is published under the MIT License