This repo contains material from a project on Word2Vec for the course "Modèles de Langage" at Aix-Marseille Université.
The project comprises two parts: the implementation and improvement of a base Word2Vec model using negative sampling and subsampling, and the evaluation of word analogies using existing embeddings from NLPL.
The findings are documented in this report.
$ python -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
The Word2Vec experiment for part one of the report can be configured and executed via
. The corpus and evaluation set can be found in the data
Download the pre-generated embeddings:
$ wget
$ unzip -d 43
Feel free to read the metadata and README contained in the downloaded folder, then move the embeddings to the correct directory:
$ mv 43/model.txt data
$ rm -rf 43
The analogies experiment for the second part of the report is contained in
As of right now, the read_file
function must be called prior to executing the experiment in order to split and save the embeddings in chunks.
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